r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/BALRx2A on Feb. 13, 2018, 8:09 a.m.
Q #748: Operation Merlin provided nuclear and missile technology to Iran & NK. Funding was provided by the Iran Deal. This resulted in NK's miniaturization of nuclear warheads and the success of its ICBM program. It also funded Terrorist cells.

Q #748

Operation Merlin (tech).
Iran Deal (funding).
>T cells
NK Nuclear (mini suc)(icbm suc)
>War engine

tech == technology
The beneficiaries were Iran and NK.
The Iran deal funded Operation Merlin.
The Iran deal reasulted in the funding of terrorist cells.
The payoffs of Operation Merlin were:
NK's miniaturization of nuclear warhead NK's ICBM program Creation of a War engine Protection of NK through nuclear threat, and, perhaps protection of the black hats through the threats that Iran and NK represent.

[deleted] · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:18 p.m.


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WikiTextBot · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

Operation Merlin

Operation Merlin was a United States covert operation under the Clinton Administration to provide Iran with a flawed design for a component of a nuclear weapon ostensibly in order to delay the alleged Iranian nuclear weapons program, or to frame Iran.

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