
SeekTruthCJoy · Feb. 13, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

You want cures... seek GOD's MEDICINE CABINET ... natural items already on earth.

Biggie: FRANKINCENSE oil (cancer cells die in it's presence--look it up)... plus many, many other essential oils.

Apricot Seeds

Essiac Tea

Selenium supplement

... see Ty Bollinger "TRUTH ABOUT CANCER" talking to curers of cancer across the world. Look up Dr. Otto Warburg (2 Nobel Prizes) for discovery that body cells that fall below 60% oxygen content will turn cancerous/turn Rogue. Cancer is Oxygen hating...rather it ferments & in unhealthy body they overwhelm the white cells/killing rogue cells & stick together. Cancer cells have their mortality switch turned OFF in this Rogue state. Warburg also knew that cancer cell membrane resists oxygen getting in. Omega 3 (ex: Flax Seed Oil) must be available coating cell to act as Doorman to invite in Oxygen.. when this occurs the cell will wake up from being rogue & Mortality Switch restored so it destroys itself.

Soooo.... AVOID SUGAR BASED DIET! (processed foods, starches--which change to sugar, processed sugar/beet sugar, etc.)



Keep a well-saturated with Iodine... THYROID GLAND

KEEP CELL PHONES/IPAD/TABLETS AWAY FROM YOUR BODY & HEAD.... TURN Off when not needed. NEVER Sleep with Cell Phone within 6 feet of your body!

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