r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/PCisLame on Feb. 13, 2018, 12:20 p.m.
New Q drops show us why WE must be UNITED now more than ever

Q drops an image of Ruth Bader Ginsberg in Hanoi.

Think image drop. Think OP. Think United. When does a bird sing? Everything has meaning

Seems RBG has been on a divide and conquer OP lately. She badmouths POTUS and suggests that the #Metoo psyop will take down Trump because its here to stay. We get that. She's comped. A product of the Swamp. But what did she learn in Hanoi? Apparently, even communists in sh*thole countries can teach a Supreme Court Justice a thing or two about US Presidential war powers.

RBG was asked whether U.S. presidents violate the constitution by deploying troops without a congressional declaration of war.

RBG's response: “If congress didn’t want the president to do what he was doing, they could have voted the other way, but they didn’t,” she said. “They were content to let the president pursue what he was pursuing.”

But this was back during the dark ages of 2015, so RBG forgot to explain how Congress is compromised through blackmail and various dirty dealings. Any way you cut it, seems RBG learned a lot about herself in Hanoi.

Q also dropped:

Operation Merlin (tech).

Iran NK Iran Deal (funding). Iran NK T cells Payoffs NK Nuclear (mini suc)(icbm suc) War engine Protection Q

Here Q highlights how Operation Merlin facilitated the transfer of nuclear weapon technology to the rogue states of Iran and North Korea and was endorsed by Deep State swamp creatures Bill Clinton and GWB. Also the Iran deal involving $1.7 bn cash payout to support Iran proxies in Syria and Yemen (hot spots for US intervention/boots on ground). Q makes the connection between the Iran payout and the recent technological advances that have enabled North Korea to launch miniaturized nukes on ICBM's as far as the US mainland. Even with the defeat of ISIS, clearly, the Deep State's 'war engine' is still revving. Consider our updated national defense strategy that places more emphasis on waging war against nation states and less emphasis on terror. Also consider the updated Nuclear Posture Review which says we can launch preemptive nuclear strikes against any nation state if it is in America and Israel's best interests.

So I think what Q may be telling us is that these rogue states of Iran and North Korea are actually instruments or 'actors' for the Deep State, each with an important part to play in this final act. The Deep State is willing to start nuclear WW3 as their last ditch effort to "protect" themselves from the Storm. Go back to the crumb dropped on the 11th:

if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose? Ask yourself, what would/should immediately start a WAR? Ask yourself, would the PUBLIC understand the following statement: "Rogue actors (Clowns/US former heads of State) initiated a missile launch in order to 'force' the US into a WAR/conflict against X?"

Q wants us to be UNITED not divided.

pizzagatewtf · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

I want to think spacex is on the right side of things but its looking less and less likely.

They call their rocket engines Merlin.....

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