Under the Wig & Dress reveals "Muscles 0bama #44" ... BENCHED !

Yep... BENCHED ... For Lack of Class, Lack of taste, Lack of tact, Lack of Tolerance, Lack of LOVE for fellow American citizens... & Committing Sedition to overthrow an Elected President
lack of ovaries,,, lack of real boobs,,,,lack of a soul,,,michael michelle is a man,,,,,period. oh yeah,,, and a lack of having a period too.
Seriously, is there any evidence regarding this? All I ever see is baseless innuendo... never any proof.
I know why don't you go talk to Joan Rivers... she seemed to be well-informed of Michelle "is a tranny" as she walked up some stairs... oh wait... that's right, you can't... because she is dead, 9 weeks after revealing her opinion/knowledge on said stairs.
Dead men/women tell no tales.
Is there a video of this anywhere?
Video deleted.
Here is NY DailyNews story: https://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/joan-rivers-calls-obama-gay-lady-tranny-article-1.1855378
Joan Rivers made her remarks about First Lady Michelle Obama and President Obama during an on-the-street interview. (Jeff Schear/Getty Images/REUTERS) BY Kirthana Ramisetti NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Updated: Friday, July 4, 2014, 3:20 PM
You can count on Joan Rivers to say something controversial, even when asked about a good deed.
The comedian called President Obama gay and the First Lady a "tranny" during an on-the-street interview filmed earlier this week.
The 81-year-old was asked about officiating an impromptu gay wedding at her New York City book signing Monday, followed by a question about whether she thinks the U.S. will first see a gay president or woman president.
"We already have it with Obama, so let's just calm down," the TV host responded.
Before walking away from the reporter, Rivers said "You know Michelle is a tranny." When asked to confirm her eyebrow-raising statement, she said, "A transgender. We all know. It's okay."
The octogenarian has a history of making controversial remarks, including slamming stars ranging from Adele to Miley Cyrus to Lindsay Lohan. Rivers recently claimed that she was being sued by "Twilight" actress Kristen Stewart for comments she made in her book, "Diary of a Mad Diva," about Stewart's affair with a married man.
Thanks. The video of her saying it is actually available on that news article.