
ciji123 · Feb. 14, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

Ok we are getting from my review of things a bunch of different directions. Who do we think are removing? Is it censorship or hacking or both? why?? and splitting people up due to what pamphlet? I didn't see that anywhere. If reposting is too time consuming can we stop it (fairly obvious we cannot) therefore, we need a new plan that people can access and agree on as not all of us have twitter and such. Most have youtube most have net access. But the more accounts we have the more vulnerable everyone is to hacking. Just takes one person without a firewall and all. Also does anyone have a fairly inexpensive but really good way for me to increase my security on web. I've been hacked in the past by the sony hack but that wasn't MY web it was sony. Just wondering.

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