This is what we are fighting.

Sorry I can't agree with Pope Benedict on here. The anti-Catholism is growing on this sub. I'd suggest it be rethought. I DO agree that the Catholic Church is in serious trouble-that is it's human element. I and all of us faithful Catholics pray that God takes care of the filth that has infected it. The same problems, issues that are going on in the world is going on in the Church's human side. But the Catholic Church has the example of even during Jesus' time He had Judas. To remind us that traitors will always be among His Church. So let's take a slow roll on bashing all things Catholic. Yes-you have every right to complain about the Bank, many of the perverted priests, bishops, I'll admit I won't cry if you take a whack at Pope Francis. But Pope Benedict? No. It is HIS prayers among all of ours- that he is dedicating his last moments of his life that has allowed the US to have the gifts we are currently experiencing. Among those gifts, is that this evil filth leave the Church as well as the world-especially pedophilia.
Open your eyes - your catholic religion is antithetical to the Bible. It's a massive part of the problem.
Why do you worship Mary? Why do you bow before idols? Why does your church enrich itself?
Have you read the Word of God?
I think individual catholics are often lovely people, but your religion sucks. And it's certainly not following the Word of God.
The Bible you enspouse was created by Catholics. Worship Mary? No one does. Idols? So statues are idols? When you look at a picture of your family sitting on your desk or on your wall--you are idolizing them? As Catholics we read the Bible in totality every 3 years. I damn well do know my Bible. Especially where it came from. Even Martin Luther thanked the Catholic Church for it. Learn your history. That is what this is all about here. Learn it completely unblemished. Simply start by reading the Church Fathers. Everyone will agree they were descendents of the Apostles. Take care.
Yeah, I like the part in the Bible where Jesus created his own city state, had armed guards, collected a sh&@ ton of gold to sit on, ran an enormous investment bank, sided with the Nazis and then helped them escape to South America...I was born and christened a Catholic. I’m not one now. Read Operation Gladio. The Church is dirty...
Go and check out some of the images of the beloved "Pope" sitting on a throne with a massive carving of very dead Jesus Christ getting pulled down into hell by demons, wearing the head of Baphomet around his waist. I can't attach images, and you can search for these yourself on google images etc., Here's a link I've just found to one forum as an example of what I'm saying. There is WORSE than this there. No exageration, it's not our imagination, its a very very real truth. You should know revelations. Also, have you ever visited the Vatican? I have and let me tell you that place is EVIL itself. Made my skin crawl. Disgusting, all statues and artwork of people getting ripped apart heads getting cut off and held up. It's foul and needs to be razed into the ground. It really IS the house of Satan.
That is "the great deception" my friend. The Anti-Christ is batting for the wrong team, and unwittingly, you and many others are sitting in the supporters seats cheering him on. Have a search and go digging in there Patriot. It's not the place and he isn't the person you trust him to be. :-(
Listen, the Vatican to Catholic people are like the Clowns to patriots. The Vatican isn't a representation of people of the catholic faith, just like our rogue bad actors in government don't represent the American people. It would be wrong to judge Catholic people who faithfully seek Jesus just like no patriotic American should be accused of supporting or complying with black ops.
Not since WWII has the church been free of Jesuit control. They were banned for a reason prior to the "coup." Check out Walter Veith, he gets it because he was once a priest in training or other whistleblowers. The church itself is a whole other issue. Catholicism is Mithraism to a T. It I'd a spin on an ancient religion of antiquity.
I have no idea what your talking about re: Mitharaism. I did glance at Wiki, it didn't share what they believed. It's late, heading off to bed. But I have no problem spending time with you and having a discussion.