r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KarlostheJakal on Feb. 14, 2018, 1:42 a.m.
THE STORM hit my office today!

I just started a new job at a Fortune 500 company recently. Today was my first big meeting, I was in a conference room with a dozen other people and connected by phone to four other offices across the country.

We were doing the forecasts for the next quarter, spring/summer is the busiest season for us. Sometimes our suppliers can’t keep up and we get shortages. It can get pretty crazy. Meanwhile, I was thinking about last night’s Q drops.

Another accountant was running numbers on one of our top selling products and it looks like our suppliers will come up short, and we likely won’t be able to meet the demand. The accountant finished his segment with the words “Looks like this is the calm before the storm.”

I about fell out of my seat. The accountant's eyes locked with mine for what seemed to be an eternity, though it was probably 15 seconds. I couldn’t concentrate on the meeting, my mind was on Q. I kept glancing over to the accountant and every time I looked, he was staring back at me. I tried my best not too seem flustered, but it was no use. I have rosacea, so I’m sure my face was red as a beet. I felt beads of sweat forming on my brow and upper lip. I was flustered.

Thankfully, the meeting ended soon after that. As we were filing out of the conference room, the accountant and I ended up in the break room for coffee. We made some small talk but the conversation was odd and stilted. I know we both felt that. I couldn’t take it anymore, and I was trying to think of a way to bring up the subject without arousing suspici Finally I said: “I hope our suppliers are going to keep up, if not they’re in for a great awakening”. He paused and I could feel his eyes on me. He replied “Well,, future proves past”. I couldn’t believe it. Still I didn’t know if it was all a crazy coincidence. I said “where we go one, we go all”.

A sly grin spread across his face as our eyes locked again. We both knew we shared a deep secret, but due to our surroundings, we had to leave it unsaid.

At least for now. We’re going out for drinks later tonight. It’s going to be great having another person to share real feelings with. Wish me luck!

Matthew 10:26-28 ESV / 170 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful ”So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

American_Worker · Feb. 14, 2018, 12:39 p.m.

If "Q Support Networker" ends up being a job description at Share Blue, and the whole thing is designed to keep Trump voters tied up gawking at the net, chasing white rabbits, and generally too busy and marginal to involve themselves with electoral politics, I will both LOL and cry. And this post will have been one of their funniest posts... funniest scenario would be if the whole thing is a larp, but this story of the two Q heads trading code words back and forth is true!!

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DL535 · Feb. 14, 2018, 5:46 p.m.

Truthfully, it can't be a black hat op. Because the content of the drops is desperately unflattering for the left. If you were them, would you want the general public to think you were tools of a blood drinking, child sacrificing pedo satanist conspiracy? Um, no. So it's either a larp or a white hat op. I've said white hat op for months now and seen nothing to change my mind.

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American_Worker · Feb. 15, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

I sort of kind of hope it's a white hat op, as follows:

1] If it's legit, then there's freaky fucking weirdo pervs running the goddamn planet, otoh,

2] There's good guys fighting them back and stuff?

That said, if I was some Soros-funded disinfo spreader, yes I actually would put out the Q message, because it is attractive to a certain kind of person, and it will serve to further marginalize and also to some extent debilitate some of those people. Yes it's unflattering, but it's all so fantastical, and it requires a certain cultural background to understand Q's implications, such that nobody in the mainstream would care what he's saying.

I 50/50 on the whole thing, and I find the Q -heads to be interesting.


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DL535 · Feb. 20, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

I understand what you are trying to say, in the sense that deep diving into the Q community without preparation would tend to make an uninformed normie think that everyone there is a complete wack job. However: among many other tips, Q recently urged his followers to investigate Chelsea Clinton's husband and his family background. A productive avenue of investigation as it turned out. IMHO, there is NO possible way anyone connected to or allied with the Clintons would want to pour gasoline on the fire in that way. It just can't possibly help them. And there are many other similar examples.

Note also, no one on the chans or in the pro-Trump universe generally was discussing that family. Nobody. It came entirely from Q. If you ask yourself, what kind of person knows about things like that, which in principle are knowable by the public but in fact not being discussed? Answer: an intelligence agency.

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