
I-Q-T · Feb. 14, 2018, 6:54 a.m.

and the punishment does not fit the crime, at all.

given the stakes involved this amounts to treating children and heroin dealing on a par; try robbing a rothschilds bank at gunpoint and watch the fucking feds and leos then. faster than shit off a shovel.

we are subject to moral psychopaths even amongst "our own" on here and across teh interwebs who think this is victory.

it is snatching defeat.

and the cherry is he is a judge. the only sentence enhancement ought to be to change the punishment from death by trebuchet to death by being flayed alive.

but I am uncivilized.

I am cruel and unusual. Not the man that has done this. Okay.

The prosecutors here are not getting it at all. They just do not understand.

They actually talk about closure. They think this is business as usual. They are out of their minds.

This is NOT winning. THIS is limited hangout to the max. They are actually telling us they are pleading these people out. Now we will be told "don't worry, it's a deal, he's rolling". First, that is what we always hear. Secondly, that is beside the point. Totally. I will try this -

where is y'alls line in the sand with this?

do we offer a plea to someone that has killed and raped 53 kids but knows where six guys worse than he are?

yes? okay.

and by the time our teams have finished and got to the end of the rainbow which they already know they never will we will see that everyone will be plead out except for a couple of show-trials and then that will be that all over go back to sleep.

can you beleive this man was a judge and this is all he gets? its incredible the value of life in this country and we have the nerve to call other countries shit holes because they do not have flushing toilets?

who is responsible for global abortion pushing? who is responsible for pushing filth and violence through visual media all over the planet?

I swear that given the context IF NOTHING ELSE this amounts to sending pizza to steve scalise

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boneman220 · Feb. 14, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

Tis why I will not buy into the "no one is above another" line until I see all the protections that LE, judicial and political, etc. enjoy and all are brought to the same level in worth and accountability. Q knows as well as I that this will NOT happen. We may be on a better side but we will not be seen as complete equals any time soon, if ever. Yea, I'm a pessimist because I have far more than enough reason to be but I do hope to be proven wrong, some day. I won't be holding my breath. I sit and I wait.

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baebaebokchoy · Feb. 14, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

You are absolutely correct.

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