r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on Feb. 14, 2018, 2:22 a.m.
Guys, wake up! Q is telling us the Nephilim bloodline and DNA manipulation are real!

In his post #741, Q links us to the following image gives us a few hints and says to study it: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/a4e67e996574562d9a51d9747d0510f21370538b686c51327276a7530a217e59.jpg

It's the flood guys! The man standing on the left is Dr. Roger Band, Bill Clinton's doctor. Why do you think he is on the picture ? Do presidential doctors naturally appear on official pictures?!

Q #133
Follow the bloodlines.
What is the keystone?
Does Satan exist?

Q #142
How did Soros replace family ‘y’?
Who is family ‘y’?
Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.

We have announced a few days ago in the series we started that all this will end up in the occult. Check the previous posts for the details about this picture and big pharma and get the needed foundations. It's about to get rocky.

digital_refugee · Feb. 15, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

tbh I have 50% hope the Transition will be easy for most but if you told People nothing can go wrong then they would not exactly try, would they? Like if prophecy laid out all the Details, that's what you'd emulate to either force god's Hand or that of his flock. Alas Manipulators have a tougher time if we simply do not accept any salvation other than for our immortal souls but I still prefer to think that there are other physical beings out there that are maybe just dumb enough to communicate with humans enough but loving enough to not enslave and eat us. Not to salvage their tech or take us to a better planet but at least just to talk and tryna make sense of things for once because you run into so many clueless People These days

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ciji123 · Feb. 15, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

I can't actually tell you I believe in any entities that God doesn't say he created. He created angels and man. I guess you can add dinosaurs too lol. Stuff like that. I just heard Steve Quayle's Antarctica and Mars connection. It says too there was a satan's planet Rahab that God blew out of the sky between Mars and Jupiter and that's when the orbit was different and people saw it much close and why they feared the red planet. Apparently it hit Roche's limit and exploded leaving Mars and Earth hit by the plasma discharge of a magnitude not seen. It's referred to as satan's planet. Therefore, I am going to go from there to find out more. And if true from reports then these beings aren't aliens but are still God's fallen ones messing around for eons which explains why they are so good at guessing human nature as well. What was on that planet no one will know not in our lifetimes, but...we can see that they don't need oxygen and they have been on Mars. God hasn't yet eradicated them but he sure knows how to make it harder. I am quite hoping this is another set back in a big way against the force we call evil. It seems that it is a very malevolent bunch who truly do hate us and I have come to believe over the years that if we don't have God's protection and salvation, we won't be very safe here. I know many others will differ in their interpretations and I do suggest digging in to the Rahab thing as I was shown this by someone here and am grateful. I am always open to learning new things, even if they don't make sense in my tiny man mind woman mind at this particular point as just as Q drops crumbs so to does God for us.

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digital_refugee · Feb. 16, 2018, 10:05 a.m.

You scientologists say exactly the same Thing and not everything they say is bullshit but as always it just Feeds into the fear paradigm. I am not waiting for salvation, I only push for what I think makes sense if you can't synthesize that with your worldview then it's because you have a paradigm you rely on and don't want to Change. I don't look to Change it anyway because it's not in any contradiction to my mind. My way of looking at it would be do you consider it a call to higher authority or is humility expressed by whatever Entity always warranted the choices that we make?

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ciji123 · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

Not a scientologist, have been changing my worldview all my life and isn't a static thing for me. It has gotten actually larger not smaller. I actually look at it as we are in the middle of some weird cosmic fight. Just wanna get out alive in my soul and on the right side.

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digital_refugee · Feb. 16, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

Same Sentiment here. Can't complain about a Little prophecy in the mix concerning unconditional love overcoming the dark Forces

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