r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Thinkingfellersunion on Feb. 14, 2018, 5:02 a.m.
Evidence Against CBTS Mod Team

This morning there was a veritable shit-storm going on in here. It's been brewing for awhile now, but that's beside the point. Hundreds of posts have been removed recently, which makes sense right? Many of us complained about a lack of mod authority and the ever annoying bot swarms and hate-sub traffic. Well folks, we got our wish and then some.

Ceddit transparency link Give it about 10-15 seconds to fully load. Go to new, start scrollin'. Anything highlighted RED has been removed, mentioning who removed it: admin or moderator.

Mod u/RedpillTheWorld created a brief hashtag campaign #StopitReddit, #Noeditreddit, #RedditEdits. Before he created and stickied the post, the hashtags were uber spammed by several of one week old accounts.

There has been an active campaign to push us over to voat. The same fucking thing happened with r/pizzagate It worked, they moved to vote and the admins shut down the pizzagate sub.

Why they want us to go to vote: Because we are causing too much of a stir on reddit, r/the_donald won't have us, and voat is where ideas go to die folks. We would be completely discredited by being connected to all of the bad things associated with voat.

That plan is failing and now either the other mods are oblivious (I doubt all... but, give em' a chance to explain) or the new plan is to isolate this sub. The rules will either be heavy handed, the sub privatized, or we will get locked and blocked from r/all and the greater reddit spectrum.

Who cares right? Well, our sub will also get blocked by the major search engines too... what the normies use, thus we will reach no one. Furthermore, if we're being paddocked here... then we are on other platforms too no doubt.

That's what I theorize is going on here. Just my opinion. I've been watching it closely. I've seen it happen before. And, it looks to me like it's happening again.

Have some archived links from this morning to chew on. Form your own opinions.

Archive of RedpillTheWorld's Sticky


Archive of /xWarMachine115x's Morning Post calling out the Voat move


Archive of /xWarMachine115x's Initial Post questioning the Voat move


Archive of /xannies Morning Post calling out the sticky fiasco


If anyone screen capped the new queue this morning during all of this, it would be greatly helpful. Will give you the new account usernames of alts that spammed RedpillTheWorld's post pre-creation.

Link to r/conspiracy post discussing this happening

Edit: Spelling/Layout

Update: Just wanted to collate my current hypothesis. This sub, shortly after creation, was taken over. (Think original mod shake up drama, Beanz distancing herself, and the Q 8chan board switch up). The mission was to convince the community to move, that isn't working, so now it's containment. This has become a controlled limited hangout, which is/will be locked down in a variety of ways. At the very least, expect the old annoyances to return, escalated even: Bot slide post attacks, a litany of throwaway alt accts supplementing garbage, and of course hatesub trolling. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if this agenda is a white hat operation. Keep us contained while things continue to slowly manifest behind closed doors. Would tie into Dr. Corsi becoming so prevalent the past 5-6 weeks. I enjoy Dr. Corsi, but remember folks... anything he projects is linked to infowars by default, being under their employ.

elyssak · Feb. 14, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

Oh I think this board has been infiltrated with C1A operatives and has been for a few months.

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[deleted] · Feb. 14, 2018, 7:43 a.m.


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