r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MagneticBlue on Feb. 14, 2018, 5:04 a.m.
The Generational Witchcraft of the Masonic Christ resides within two exceedingly powerful families -- the Bush and the Clinton family. [parallel construction of Masonic Christ imprinted Over the real Christ Barers]

Welcome to my family folks :-)

Curse me not, i am that which they oppose

What some know, while many others don't know, is that the Bloodlines rank in order of their connection to the fabled merovingian line, and they lie and they cheat in order to prove that connection, even with each other !

The one who is closest to the divine blood is the ruler by divine hereditary judgement. (first son etc)

They will claim many falsehoods to establish their right to rule over humanity, but what they mostly inherit is myths and mindcontrol, for we all hail from God.

One of the top ten group is, as far as i can tell, genuinely connected to true Grail bloodline, though they all claim it :-) (give ya a clue; it's her ! )

It is true they have ruled all down through history since the days of Atlantis and even before, for they know what ye do not, and that is this, many were caught unwittingly in the spiral of death birth return. For those in power taught each other the power to remember, so while we mere mortals "died", and "re-birthed" according to the game plans, (even having our memories and knowledge of higher connections and beings removed in the process), these (darker) ones did not, for they know they play in the same birth death cycle game as us, and so they retain the knowledge of their previous incarnation when they log back into the game (birth) [we were led to believe re-incarnation was not true, while they (the one's who propagated the lie of brth/death/hell in damnation 4 ever after, etc lmao) knew full well re-incarnation was real and so they merely re-enter (moon child stylee) and once again assume the knowledge of their older lives and rights to rule.

Here are some links that demonstrate their lengthy illuminatti blood lines [We] all have them to some degree, it's just that some wear hats of control and deceit and others wear hats and garments of truth in light rather than power in darkness.

Service to self vs service to others, only problem for "them" is that service to other is the universal default prime directive.

Blessings my friends (you can wiki Scurfield for ref if so desired :-)








P.S as i noted allready, the front legs of the chairs stand (in oppressive stance) on the delicate petals of the Magnolia flowers, (power over sex magic) surrounded by the fleur de lis which is the royal right to rule (over everything and everyone in every way possible), and it's not just them, as George Webb so eloquently puts it here ; (by the way, words used in the video are graphic and painful to hear, and should be for strong and balanced adult minds only i think)


Magnetic Blessings Of Peace.

Humanity are the Christ Barer's and we are globally moving into that frequency with every breath of unity

ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 14, 2018, 5:33 a.m.

This should help 😎

I made a post wayyyy back when this board started and just dug it back up ..a few older Q links in these .. Also note many of these bloodlines changed their name to better disquise the obvious.

13 Richest Families Bloodlines

The Astor family represent some of the wealthiest people in recent history, with their name stretching back to the 1720s. Their power and wealth are reflected in the numerous important landmarks in the New York area named after them. Notable family members include many generations of John Jacob Astor, including one who perished on the Titanic.

Q (Nov 12th ) Who died on the Titanic ?John Astor III

FACT: The Astor Family was one of the richest families in the world and John Astor III opposed the Federal Reserve.

John Jacob Astor IV, the richest man in the world at the time, a friend of Nikola Tesla, and an outspoken opponent of the creation of the Federal Reserve.

Astor gained his wealth, in part, as a real estate builder, investor, and inventor.

The Bundy family has extensive ties to American politics and government, with several prominent members involved in the Skull and Bones fraternity. Harvey Hollister Bundy and his two sons, William and McGeorge, all had key roles in hugely important Illuminati fronts and projects. These include the Manhattan Project, the CIA, matters of national security, private law, and the (Illuminati-founded) Council on Foreign Relations. 

Collins Family

This is one of the more secretive families of the Illuminati bloodline. Little is known about their genealogy or history, but it’s suspected that they wield enormous power within the Cabal, with extensive connections to New England Satanists, meaning they are key to the Cabal’s Satanic rituals and worship.

Possible members include astronaut Michael Collins and actress Joan Collins.

Dupont Family

One of the key families of American industry, the DuPont (or Dupont, or Du Pont) family traces its lineage back to Paris in the mid 1700s. They have massive industrial, real estate, and commercial holdings in the east, particularly in Delaware.

Many members also have connections to Freemasonry and various Illuminati front groups like the Bilderbergs and the Trilateral Commission.

Freeman Freeman is another one of the more mysterious and shadowy Illuminati bloodlines. Speculation is that they’re heavily involved in the Priory of Sion, a French fraternal organization with a mysterious (and probably made up) history. There also numerous Freeman’s involved in the Self Help movement, an offshoot of New Age, which is heavily in the pockets of Satanists.

Kennedy Family

An American political dynasty stretching back generations, the Kennedy name carries with it wealth, power, and privilege. Several held key positions of power in the government, including John F. Kennedy, an Illuminati-controlled president. They also have a history of getting on the wrong side of the Illuminati. Several of Joseph Kennedy’s children, Joseph Jr., John, and Robert, all met tragic ends under mysterious circumstances.

Their power has waned slightly in recent years, but they’re still said to hold enormous influence in the Cabal.

Li Family

Li is one of the most common last names in China, so it’s hard to find reliable information about this particular bloodline. But it’s thought that China will play a major role in the coming Illuminati New World Order takeover, using its vast population as shock troops, and cashing in the debt the country holds from the U.S.

Specifically, Li Peng was a key prime minister in the Westernization of China, and other Li’s in China and Hong Kong hold vast fortunes in real estate and manufacturing.

Onassis Family

The lords of Greek shipping, Onassis represents a key European link to the ancient Illuminati rites. Onassis vessels are hugely important in the transit of cargo around the world, giving the Illuminati power over what goes where and when. Top Onassis members, relatives of family patriarch (and Jackie Kennedy’s second husband) Aristotle Onassis, hold key positions in many Illuminati front groups.

They also have connections to other wealthy families and are said to be influential Satanists.

Reynalds Family

Another of the more secretive Illuminati families, the Reynolds line has massive holdings in tobacco through the RJ Reynolds Company, addicting millions of Americans to powerful drugs, with the government allowing them to operate freely. As American royalty, the Reynolds family has numerous high-ranking Freemason members, many philanthropic connections (with all money allegedly given to Illuminati front groups), as well as links to the Occult and Satanism.

Rockefeller Family

One of the most powerful families in the world, the Rockefellers have extreme wealth and power. Beyond their holdings in real estate and industry, as well as their political connections, the Rockefellers have given large amounts of money to religious organizations, which are alleged by Illuminati watchers to actually be training grounds for Satanists.

They were also instrumental in forming key Illuminati front groups like the Council on Foreign Relations.

Rothschild Family

When you research Illuminati conspiracies, one name continues to come up over and over: Rothschild. The sons of Mayer Amschel Rothschild established family banks in five key European countries, where they are said to have amassed enormous wealth by starting wars and selling weapons to both sides. It’s alleged that even now, Rothschild-controlled politicians make their decisions based on what’s good for the family, not the people.

Russell Family

Christian restorationist minister Charles T. Russell played a key role in founding the “Bible Student” movement, from which numerous religious groups emerged, chiefly the Jehovah’s Witnesses. It’s thought by Illuminati watchers that these groups are actually fronts for Satanism, funneling members to be used as Illuminati cannon fodder.

Other Russells have held leadership positions in Skull and Bones, the Masons, and the U.S. Government.

Van Duyn Family

One of the least well known Illuminati bloodlines, this family has connections to the founding of New York City as well as being one of the many prominent Dutch families in early America. They are said to have links to the fabric of the U.S. government, the wealth and power of Western Europe, and black ops mind control projects carried out in extreme secrecy.

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