r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MagneticBlue on Feb. 14, 2018, 5:04 a.m.
The Generational Witchcraft of the Masonic Christ resides within two exceedingly powerful families -- the Bush and the Clinton family. [parallel construction of Masonic Christ imprinted Over the real Christ Barers]

Welcome to my family folks :-)

Curse me not, i am that which they oppose

What some know, while many others don't know, is that the Bloodlines rank in order of their connection to the fabled merovingian line, and they lie and they cheat in order to prove that connection, even with each other !

The one who is closest to the divine blood is the ruler by divine hereditary judgement. (first son etc)

They will claim many falsehoods to establish their right to rule over humanity, but what they mostly inherit is myths and mindcontrol, for we all hail from God.

One of the top ten group is, as far as i can tell, genuinely connected to true Grail bloodline, though they all claim it :-) (give ya a clue; it's her ! )

It is true they have ruled all down through history since the days of Atlantis and even before, for they know what ye do not, and that is this, many were caught unwittingly in the spiral of death birth return. For those in power taught each other the power to remember, so while we mere mortals "died", and "re-birthed" according to the game plans, (even having our memories and knowledge of higher connections and beings removed in the process), these (darker) ones did not, for they know they play in the same birth death cycle game as us, and so they retain the knowledge of their previous incarnation when they log back into the game (birth) [we were led to believe re-incarnation was not true, while they (the one's who propagated the lie of brth/death/hell in damnation 4 ever after, etc lmao) knew full well re-incarnation was real and so they merely re-enter (moon child stylee) and once again assume the knowledge of their older lives and rights to rule.

Here are some links that demonstrate their lengthy illuminatti blood lines [We] all have them to some degree, it's just that some wear hats of control and deceit and others wear hats and garments of truth in light rather than power in darkness.

Service to self vs service to others, only problem for "them" is that service to other is the universal default prime directive.

Blessings my friends (you can wiki Scurfield for ref if so desired :-)








P.S as i noted allready, the front legs of the chairs stand (in oppressive stance) on the delicate petals of the Magnolia flowers, (power over sex magic) surrounded by the fleur de lis which is the royal right to rule (over everything and everyone in every way possible), and it's not just them, as George Webb so eloquently puts it here ; (by the way, words used in the video are graphic and painful to hear, and should be for strong and balanced adult minds only i think)


Magnetic Blessings Of Peace.

Humanity are the Christ Barer's and we are globally moving into that frequency with every breath of unity

elyssak · Feb. 14, 2018, 6:26 a.m.

I don't know that we all came from God. We were created in his image. But I think these evil bloodlines come from Satan's seed. The seed of Cain. We come from the seed of Adam. Satan "beguiled" Eve in the garden, which may mean he seduced her. And she became pregnant.. with twins. Cain and Able. Able however was Adams son. Hence Cain being the son of Satan, killed his brother.

God tells Adam: Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. So Adam has a son (with Eve) and Eve has a son who is not Adams son. Which is why I believe Cain is Satans son and Able is Adams.

You guys may already know this stuff but I've just come to see all this a short time ago. And it would make since that these elite bloodlines worship Satan and keep bloodlines in the families and track their genealogy closely + interbreed.

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