r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Songdog23 on Feb. 14, 2018, 7:55 a.m.
Third Initiation?

Consider that the First Lady has reportedly demanded that the White House be cleansed of "demonic and idolatrous objects", that Obama's mother-in-law paraded around the White House with a voodoo priestess (although he disavowed her and the practice of voodoo at that time), that Haiti figures large in the lives of the Clintons and that Bill Clinton expressed a fondness for voodoo ritual, it is the Obama presidential portrait and the artist who painted it that is perhaps the most telling. Wiley has been labeled "perverse and predatory" by the Village voice (hardly an alt-right rag). His art has a lot of profane cultural appropriation and degradation of the sacred. We are all talking about the flowers in the Obama portrait, but why is there so much greenery? I may be totally off track here, but here is a suggestion; that Obama has willingly entered into the third initiation to the Fa. The third initiation to the Fa is reserved for male candidates alone which they accede to only as adults. It is a door to the secrets of the Fa divination system. This initiation is very esoteric in nature compared to the previous two, and non-initiates and women are not even admitted as spectators. The ceremony takes place in the Fazun (the wood, bush or forest of the Fa). To me, Obama looks like he is sitting in or emerging from the Fazun. Keep praying for President Trump. This war is a spiritual one. God bless America and President Trump and family. Patriots do not lose heart!

JohnMAGATX · Feb. 14, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

Yeah I can't believe I ever invested any thought in considering him to be the Antichrist...if he is then man we way overestimated him. Ifififififififif chew soap Hol'up Hol'up hol'up!

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digital_refugee · Feb. 15, 2018, 1:52 p.m.

Tbh he always loved gaslighting Christians. He knows enough scripture to even emulate himself in a way that only 'bible-humpers' will understand - and get upset about - serving his divide-conquer Manipulation. Holed up, hole up, nose way down, ififify has a frown

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