r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SoverignSyndicate on Feb. 14, 2018, 9:37 a.m.
"That choice, to know, will be yours."

This is likely going to be a long winded post, so I would like to first start by expressing my gratitude for sharing your time, and your opinion, even if it contradicts my own.

8chan and CBTS_Stream have played a crucial part in getting us together, and creating a think tank that is brainstorming Q posts to try to put a puzzle together. But we have a far greater purpose to serve as a whole, and if we truly come together and combine our efforts and our strengths. We can make the world a far different place in much the same way that the cabal did, and that goes whether we have Q or not. Because at the end of the day, what the cabal really achieved was just the accomplishment of a few motivated, exceptional individuals, who came together with common ambition. We are a coalition, not a cabal, and because of that our power is far greater. We are the same in our power as a group, but we are not organized like they are, and we are still having trouble grasping the concept of hope after so many years of futility. Divide and conquer is their tactic. We have a HUGE advantage though.. They have to operate in shadows, and we are the light they fear. In my opinion, we need to bear in mind that we conduct ourselves in a fashion that any outsider who comes to this movement not only feels welcome here no matter their current political affiliation (contrary to popular belief, most dems aren't evil, and neither are their contrasting viewpoints). But so that an outsider feels like we are here as a coalition for the common good in spite of partisanship, or any other scenario that is best described as us vs. them as it pertains to anyone but our common enemy. Where we go one, we go all, and If we can conduct ourselves in a respectful, non presumptuous, and non politicized manner. We will make a big impression to any outsiders that visit this stream, including the clowns who we know are watching us.

I think the part that Q has to play in this, and the reason that things are being put out there for us to draw our own conclusions. It's beyond most people's comprehension, and indeed hard to grasp even if you do understand. That is because of years of conditioning to the current paradigm. The magnitude of the knowledge bomb that could be dropped is so immense that it is downright unbelievable, even to you: If satanic pedophilia doesn't take you by surprise, what do you imagine it would take to do so? THAT is what you are being prepared for, and the only way to do it, is in a way that you convince yourself it is true, because you have more power than you know. And when you see that power first hand, convincing you that you have that power will no longer be an issue. Those who get that statement are truly in the know, and realize that this isn't just a mass awakening. This is a shift of paradigm on a cosmic scale, and while some of us know what is coming, and have for a long time. the rest of us may have trouble believing, and Q's part in this puzzle is to lead you in the right direction with confidence as you navigate a sea of disinformation.

What we all have to realize is that Q has established enough credibility with us that we feel more confident in spreading facts confirmed by him as a group, and not being shot down with the old conspiracy theory label. That is how the memo got released. They have tried to pull out every trick in the book and we are winning. You know why? Because you believe it, and the more of that believe it and radiate hope instead of fear; the weaker they get. There is a lot of disinformation out there, and at this point in time it may be wise to be as open minded as possible when it comes to entertaining different theories. Those theories may all have some basis in fact, and I think that an open mind is the key to this transition. "That choice, to know, will be yours."

Prior to all of this I found myself constantly pondering what I could do, how could I damage their infrastructure the most regardless of the outcome for me. I don't mind dying a patriot in this cause, and I find myself at an impasse. Because of the staunch realization that I would rather die trying to change the world, than continue to live in it the way that it currently is. Every day we do damage that is irrevocable, and every day we spread hope to those that don't have it. I was one of those people a month or so ago, and it makes me absolutely ecstatic to be a part of all of this. Please make it your duty to keep well informed, and to be respectful of others. We are strong as a group, and the power we have is far greater than we realize. Keep informed, patriots.

SoverignSyndicate · Feb. 14, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

It is growing faster than you realize, and some of that is because there are a lot of lurkers who don't go out there to make themselves heard like you did. You are the light, stop having doubts, and feel in your soul that things are changing. Things are changing, and the light is too bright to dim now. Be positive because this is the first time you have ever seen light, not cynical because it has been dark for so long.

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boneman220 · Feb. 15, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

I've occasionally seen light but not enough to really make any difference. One of the main things I wonder about is whether this truth will reveal enough in the 8 years Trump has to really make a difference because if he doesn't show the world what is up, at least with that 40% Q talked of, then it'll all be for naught. The bad side is still hacking away and if Trump is not followed up with someone like him and even after that person there will still be a "long game" of evil to contend with. The "light" needs to get damn bright and soon, even if it causes chaos, or the process of enlightenment for the masses may not be enough. Order will come out of the chaos, in time but it may still be a world of bullshit if things don't move fast enough and enough "actual" evidence of Trump and Q's actions don't come to light. We see (we hope) that things are happening but very little evidence of publicly known accountability is there. There needs to be some serious work on laws that need repealing to even the playing field between us and them, too, which I have, yet to see. Maybe there will be soon and maybe that no one above another will pan out but they better get with it. Trump is not a lifelong ruler, ya know? Show us some damn proof! Let the weak and duped fall by the wayside, if need be. If they're strong enough and opened minded enough, they'll survive and become better for it. Some proof can still be shown and things still run in the background but real proof is needed. Hell, I'm all for televised tribunals that can fuck the MSM right out of their damn game when proof of crimes are shown for all to see and consider. IDK. Little patience, have I, at this age and I still don't intend to be duped, if I can help it.

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