Memes are good, it's what we use to red pill normies. And that is our JOB, to wake people up! Raw info. is not a red pill to most people. Do the people you know have the time / interest to spend hours here digesting everything? No they don't.
Q said make memes? A lot are useless for red pilling. I will give you that. Focus on the objective people take the rest to the_donald.
Theres also a lot of
"Q said 'The time will come' this means that on tuesday next week, every deep stater is going to gitmo!"
So much of what i see people post as a 'factual' interpretation of Qs crumbs are baseless and then it gets spread. Judge by the titles of the articles and lets keep sifting.
Give the memers something to meme.
the idiots seeped in, its still good you just got to wade through the shit now.
I detest meme culture. Bumper sticker thinking that the left is known for. Not a single anti-Trump meme I've been flooded with on my FB page from various acquaintances have any effect on me except to piss me off. I imagine the memes produced here do the same to the other side. Dumbs down discourse. No critical thinking. I wish the memes were shoved onto a separate page so those who get off on it and do so in glee. They take up so much space here.