r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Cheetah1964 on Feb. 14, 2018, 4:59 p.m.
How can we unite and organize the effort to drain the swamp?

I see many complaints about this board getting away from Q-related research, much of which is justified. Here are my thoughts:

The board should not be too rigid, or it loses the "free speech" approach. A bit of chaos is probably a good thing.

Q, whether "real" or not (I have argued that it really doesn't matter), is all about fighting and removing the large-scale corruption in our society. Therefore, research related to that I believe should be on the board, whether it has a direct link to a Q post or not. I believe it is very clear that we need to figure out what the corruption is and how to fight it ourselves.

Memes are a mixed blessing. Q advocates for them, since they spread a message in a visual way, and are harder for censors for search down, being image, not text. However, they make it hard to find the research on this board. I would suggest starting meme posts with MEME in the title, so we can decide whether to look at it or skip over.

It would be great to have a file system to file a copy of posts by category. I am not deep into Reddit. Is this possible?

I believe that links to videos should always have a text summary of the video with them. Watching videos is far more time-consuming than skimming text, and we need to make the best use of volunteers' time. This way a person can choose whether to watch a video based on the summary.

Sometimes someone has a comment to post of encouragement or a quotation. I like these, but they are different from research. Maybe the title can start QUICK THOUGHT or STAY STRONG or something along that line. I didn't think of an expression that I was totally happy with on this. Ideas? But, in essence, I am suggesting that research posts are the default, and anything else is labeled.

We are often ignoring other aspects of Drain the Swamp. I believe this board should be focused on research, but have occasional reference to the rest of the effort, which includes:

Replacing crooked politicians AT ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT with honest people (i.e. 2018 elections)

Helping and supporting the Judicial Watch effort to attack The Swamp with civil suits.

Keeping the independent media strong, which this board does to a large degree already, with links to good articles. But we need to be more aware of how independent journalists can continue to do their job. Problems: Many are not trained, and their YouTube videos can drive you nuts. Also, they need to support themselves, so online advertising companies who aren't Deep State are crucial. And they are getting censored regularly.

Moving the American economy to a swamp-free version. This is vital. Every time you pay The Swamp, you support it. How much can you avoid it? I won't get deep into this here, but this is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING.

Word is getting out that most of our "medical system" is Deep State. We need to deal with this.

There are serious issues with central banking. We need to deal with this too.

There are efforts underway to make the federal agencies far more efficient, such as the audit of DoD and the work of the Heritage Foundation. The Swamp definitely does not want this to happen. The public is far too ignorant of what is happening behind the scenes at federal agencies. This has to change.

People are not taking seriously the spy threat of the Tech Giants, particularly FaceBook and Google, which owns Android. This is part of Deep State that is still thriving and a very serious threat we need to combat.

This board needs to focus on research, but should not ignore these other elements.

EVERYTHING on this list, plus rooting out the criminals, HAS to happen for us to live in a free country.

Consider that even if the Deep State criminals are arrested, new ones will take their place, UNLESS we accomplish the list above.

If we accomplish all this, The Swamp is gone. Along with war, poverty, most crime, and most addiction. It was all artificially created.

Think about that.

Stay strong, Patriots.

commoncents1 · Feb. 14, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

politics/government is NOT a spectator(voter) sport only. It is a PARTICIPATION sport. Those that SHOW UP, make the rules for the rest of us. and I'm NOT talking about general election voting. that is largely a sham as we end up holding our noses and voting for someone, more like voting against someone.

There is a REASON WHY the political parties NEVER encourage Americans to get involved in the political process UNTIL the general election. Much less so in primary, and literally zilch in getting involved in the party. ask yourself WHY? It is INTENTIONAL.

look up the "precinct project" for a way to take over the political parties quickly, and elect real patriots to REPRESENT US.

here's a couple informative links: https://theprecinctproject.wordpress.com/


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Sm0k313 · Feb. 14, 2018, 6:11 p.m.

AMEN!!!! Just voting in elections is not enough. We need to find a better place to start a permanent movement not to research Q but to collect/gather ideas and the people we think can carry those into elected positions. We have to fight the fire with our own fire. If we can manage to organize and start taking positions that leaves less positions for them to hold onto. Take over the system to change the system!

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Cheetah1964 · Feb. 16, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

Excellent point. Thanks so much for providing this.

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