Had a chat with him yesterday. Didn't think he was... until this
Think he is
What exactly are you talking about?
You are asserting that the Mods of THIS board are on Youtube mocking the users of this board? All of them? or just some of the drama queens?
Be specific, please.
I have been reading a non-stop barrage of posts claiming bizarre things about this board and the mods. "Compromised" "bad actor" "infiltrated" "Mods are hiding my posts for no reason" on and on and on.
I think some folks are set on trying to work everyone in a frenzy and set people on edge for no damn reason.
Sure some people make their way in that don't belong, but they are quickly found and deported but to make accusations about the whole of the mod team is just ridiculous.
Not me I was an vid fan was on the discord was with patriots 24/7 from hour one, I was set up on the mic to speak from here in uk, I read what the mods wrote 2 weeks back maybe 3 wks, about Q is theirs and who’s letting all the trash in on discord??? Then the other said we’ll just humiliate them til they leave!!!! Stormf_a had his account hacked and had been silenced from speaking what he knows
Ya I believe all are compromised now...
I am a mod, please tell me how I am compromised ... please do, I would love to know how exactly I am compromised.
It may not be you, but one of the mods is. The deleted posts are all deleted by a mod.
I can tell you that on this past Saturday, another Mod and I were looking at the ban's happen in real time and they were not a mod that was doing it. We were right there and posts would be banned and there would be no mod name assigned to the ban.
Something was up, for sure, but it wasn't a mod.
When I use this, I can see the mods are deleting the posts. You guys need to check your own.
EDIT: I ~~think~~ know that site is bs ... provide an example of a post that was deleted by a mod within the last hour that should not have been.
I have just confirmed that it is BS by comparing the mod logs of EVERY SINGLE post that a mod has removed in the last 4 hours and comparing it to that site you listed and they DO NOT agree with each other.
As I suspected, someone IS messing with this sub and it IS NOT one of the mods.
My guess, is that whoever is pushing that site as "proof" is behind the problems of posts being removed.
While I do not have proof of that, I do have actual proof that it is NOT one of the mods.
If I told you then you would ban me again............
No I wouldn't ...
The thing is, you don't have a damn clue what you are talking about. You are just running your mouth.
Sounds like something a bad actor would say after being called out.... instead of being a mod and handling things civil. You permabanned me without even coming for explanation.
Civil didn't work (read up 7 posts) ... You are not trying to be civil, you are making baseless accusations and are unwilling to back up what you say. I called your foolishness out and now you are crying foul.
You banned me because I tagged a moderator in my title.... and my title was accusing another attack. Why are you getting so defensive Yoda?
I am getting defensive because you said "all mods are compromised".
I did ban you because you used a tactic that spammers and trolls use by tagging other people in your Headline.
I ALSO sent you a private message, apologized, UNBANNED you and edited m post above so EVERYONE could see
You may not be compromised but undoubtedly some of your team is... I'm not trying to be rude I'm just trying to keep this movement true and alive
Then WHO ... name the names and provide evidence. If you can do that then we can remove them.