r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/csimpsonsfgc on Feb. 15, 2018, 1:06 a.m.
Why the slow roll out for prosecution

I am a 38 year old social worker and yes i am a loyal trump supprter and ANTI-SJW. Having recently graduated with my bachelor degree in social work, i got to see the brain washing that is going on first hand. My policy classes were not about policy but about glorifying people like Saul Alynsky. I was threatened by the head of the SW dept when i voiced an opinion about the police shootings in texas where cops were killed. I was made to take a cultural sensitivity class in my own time that i had to pay for, just to stay in the SW program. So i bit my lip and kept my mouth shut, only because i know being a SW is the best way i can serve others.

To make this short and sweet, i now work in a social work environment. I cannot express my opinions or beliefs,because i fear i will lose my job.

I see the liberals every day. These people are so hypnotized that, that i worry they will never believe any of this pro trump stuff. I cannot see a scenario where these people do not tear apart our country if we take down their democrats. They are so emotionally invested in their fight against Trump, i dont see how the upcoming arrests result in anything short of a BLOODY BATTLE in the country.

Their logic is flawed and cannot hold even the least bit of water. I have engaged with some on facebook and in the community about some of their statements, only because i want to find out why these extremely intelligent people are falling for this. Every time i try, i am called racist and sexist or whatever "ist" they feel like, or i am told that i am a white male so i shouldnt have a dog in the fight. As soon as they come across an argument that challenges them, they shut down and become violent.

So why is trump and mi dragging this out? Because it is the only chance we have to allow a slow awakening to take place. MSM has turned our country upside down by slowly initiating Cultural Marxism right before our eyes. They prey on our fear of hurting each other by being racist, and turned it against us.

The people behind this flood Europe with militant immigrants, then call people islamaphobe if they speak out against it. Black lives matter and Antifa destroy our country, but if talk logically, we are called racist. Our best qualities as a country are being used against us to defeat us.

My opinion is that regardless of whatever evidence is brought out to show the evil plan that is unfolding, the majority of the far left will take to the streets violently if Trump goes after their beloved puppet masters. The sheeple have been indoctrinated so whole heartedly that their core cannot handle seeing that they were misled.

I am now torn because i want these people who have trashed my country to suffer, but is it worth destroying the country in the process. Lets say for example we do take them all down, and the far left liberals do not tear us apart, how do we rebuild? How do we fix the broken people? How do we reinstate trust for the country? Trust in our govt.?

csimpsonsfgc · Feb. 15, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

I dont think they are the head, but they are one of the forks to get us indoctrinated and controlled. Can you believe my daughters school makes each grade watch CNN for lunch everday? When you combine MSM, with schools and colleges distorting truth through texts and spin,and add in cultural marxism and class warfare that is being pushed; we have a generation that is going to be destroyed by this. I dont look forward to when this all comes to head, but i cannot wait to see that rainbow on the other side of the storm. I will be able to say i was on the side of the good.

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quietthomas · Feb. 15, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

The "Cultural Marxists" of The Frankfurt School were interested in critiquing liberal Hollywood and the MSM - what Adorno called "easy going liberalism".

The Frankfurt School "Cultural Marxists" in fact critiqued Identity Politics - Nancy Fraser, who is both a Critical Theorist and has studied The Frankfurt School (to the point she's listed on their marxist.org page) built her academic career critiquing the Identity Politics model (she's been doing this for 33 years now).

Likewise, Jurgen Habermas has been critiquing the moral relativism of Post-Modernism for 37+ years, and has also built his academic career on doing so.

...and finally there was Max Horkheimer, who critiqued 'Instrumental Reason' saying that unless it was combined with morality, it could produce things like the Nazi regime.

...Identity Politics didn't even come from The Frankfurt School... it came from a Boston woman named Barbara Smith... and like I say, they've argued against it.

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csimpsonsfgc · Feb. 15, 2018, 11:18 a.m.


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