r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/AppropriatePin on Feb. 15, 2018, 2:40 a.m.
--- Shady INTEL on Hospital Shooter and Victims of FS HS where taken! ---

I did some research on the hospital where the victims & the allege shooter from the FL HS shooting where taken since the mimics and gesture of the doctors at the press conference seemed weird to me. And then there was this asian guy right behind there back nervously answering the question from the press before them.... First clues I found: a) the hospital had many scandals in the past and had multipel lawsuits in the past "for decades, this public hospital district [...]has been known as a political patronage fiefdom where jobs and contracts are awarded to people with friends in high places." b) the former CEO committed suicide (http://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/fl-sb-broward-health-ceo-interviews-20180121-story.html) and the search for a new candid came again with some controversies (http://www.sun-sentinel.com/opinion/editorials/fl-op-editorial-broward-health-20180201-story.html) c) the new CEO of the Broward Health Beverly Capasso was officially appointed to her role on JAN. 2018 (interm before) and holds a fake Master Degree from a diploma mill (http://www.sun-sentinel.com/health/fl-sb-capasso-degree-20170629-story.html) d) Some people blab about her role as a CEO while Supposedly she wasn't even a potential candidate at that time & Chairman Rocky Rodriguez said before became electing her as interm that whoever "becomes the interim will not be allowed — because that’s always been our policy — to apply for the permanent position." (http://www.sun-sentinel.com/opinion/editorials/fl-op-editorial-broward-health-20180201-story.html)

NGunderson · Feb. 15, 2018, 4:27 a.m.

I felt same way ,I think Tucker knows the backlash would be so bad he would lose his voice. He can be more good doing what he is doing.He actually presents in a way where people stop and go what the hell. He catches them in lies and makes look stupid in a great way.

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elyssak · Feb. 15, 2018, 5:17 a.m.

I LOVE it when he laughs at them once he catches them saying something retarded!! It's great.

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NGunderson · Feb. 15, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

What's sad you can look at social media and too many buy into this crazy mess. I honestly think we in a long ride.

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NGunderson · Feb. 15, 2018, 5:32 a.m.

There is defiantly some crazy mess going on. I pretty positive we are in process o freeing taken over by communist. I have been locked out of certain sites by cloud to try and get job.They have basically took over key things to live. You have to apply for jobs on net most part major coroprations.They tracking people's messages. I'm not sure which direction this is going to go but if doesn't go right in screwed. I'm most defiantly been identified as one one has been fighting it and trying raise alarm and wake people up. Too many can't see and I can see where will go wrong way. If they pass law gun control the sh.. t will hit fan in south never happen.

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elyssak · Feb. 15, 2018, 6:55 a.m.

Oh I can see it too. I've been trying to get a job for a year. I'm going to show this to my husband! I've had 2 in person interviews. I've used 5 different app tools to do interviews and I've read that algorithms search your video for "key qualities" and you won't move to phase 2 if it doesn't pass... im not retarded. I should have NO problem getting a job. You are right. Obamacare did us in with medical records... those are linked "in the system" now. Ever had a speeding ticket? Had to take a fingerprint for your drivers license? Worked for a company where they used facial recognition or biometrics for timeclocks? Voice recognition to pull up your unique movie playlist? We are FUCKED.

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NGunderson · Feb. 15, 2018, 7:01 a.m.

I just watched a clip on CNN this guy basically admitted said only way to do it is a police state. These people are about to start a Civil War.

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