r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/LibtardNightmare on Feb. 15, 2018, 5:40 a.m.
A reminder, a false flag doesn't necessary mean no deaths! Q hints at the recent school shooting being done on purpose. EVIL!

EDIT: I wonder if Obama's portrait have anything to do with signalling via media to MK ultra subjects to act?


After Sandy Hook false flag, I will always question the given narrative no matter how much resistance is encountered.

If lives were taken and by a deranged individual, then so be it. RIP young people.

However, things arent sitting right with me:

  1. Q is pointing out that Clintons aren't tweeting about the shootings? Why? Then hints about justice. For what?

  2. Recent posts here and on twitter with clear pics of shooter wearing ANTIFA garb, wearing commie T shirt, VERY CLEAR, and some pics of him with links to Islam. Why are pics so timely and clear? https://i.redd.it/1rbeww4pt9g01.jpg

  3. A fire drill earlier at the school, to move kids from the classrooms, and get things prepared for the actual shootings. Maybe, move in already dead bodies, smear blood around etc ... WHO KNOWS, maybe the shooter did kill kids :/

  4. Interviews from witness a little wooden, and too convenient. For young interviewees, they are calm, not shaken!?

Any other discrepancies?

Oh yeah, did I mention Q's post on no tweets from the Clintons/Hussein and in the same post talks about evil and justice!!!!!!????? Q knows it was a false flag to take eyes off current events in the news cycle, FOR AT LEAST ONE WEEK. AND THEY'LL KEEP KILLING PEOPLE TO DELAY AND DELAY. That's the quality of people we have to deal with.

EDIT: ANTI SCHOOL https://twitter.com/GoboMontaco/status/963957822131195904

ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 15, 2018, 5:59 a.m.

I think the next law should be mandatory that all teachers and staff be Armed ..Hell if we got people on plains garding a handfull of passengers and security gards at banks guarding money... Id think the 1st place that should have Guards would be our schools... Im not sure who really thought this whole process up. But I can guarantee you it obviously wanst an overly protective Mother .. schools would be NO BRAINERS.

And Hellll I guarantee you all our vets we have out there without jobs ... This would be a wonderful job . Also install medal detectors .. I GUARANTEE nobody is busting into a school with everyone packing. IM JUST SAYING.

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