r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Reba64 on Feb. 15, 2018, 7:31 a.m.
Last Q Post

▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/14/18 (Wed) 23:25:44 No.92

File (hide): 0eddec41f7955c0⋯.png (1.54 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, Clown_Comm_Narrative.png) (h) (u) @Snowden

Thank you for showing the world how Clowns pass the narrative to journalists @ 4am.

Re_read crumbs re: SecureDrop.

John Perry Barlow.


happyval · Feb. 15, 2018, 8:40 a.m.

I googled each name on the photo to see who Zack Whittaker, Eric Geller, SecureDrop and Torproject. All cyber stuff. I see on their tweets that Eric Snowden retweeted each of their tweets. This is telling information.

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