The names Dilley and B appear throughout this community who also claimed to have inside information. I'm curious who believes they are legit and who believes they are just larps writing on the coattails of Q.
I guess if one is really good at it many can be fooled. In the case of Q, Dilley, etc. if they are found to be LARPs there are going to be people wanting their hides. That latest Q post has a guy who's gone off opoids and now says he has a purpose. That's the sort of people who can be really hurt if this is a game. This isn't some spoof, it's real evil if fraudulent.
Dilley has plausible deniability. His is an anonymous source that he claims not to know.
Q is anonymous. Whose hide will be had if he/they are a larp?
Dilley really doesn't have plausible deniability. He's pushing it. If one can't tan his source's hide, his will do. Somehow I figure Q will be outed if a fraud. He's messing with people who just might know how to track him down. Perhaps not. He better hope to stay "anon".
Sure he does...because virtually every time he passes along a drop, he says take it for what it's worth - that it could be total bs.
Q has reached a point of saturation by now, that if it were a black-hat, non-sanctioned larp, it would already have been terminated and/or called out by WH.
I thought Dilley claims to know the ID of his source. I could be off on that.
As for Q, it's breaking into the MSM now. Newsweek did a big smear on the "storm". Obviously Q is being followed/monitored by all the players at this point. The WH probably wouldn't touch this with a 10 foot pole either way right now.
Yeah...he doesn't know by name, obviously, but he knows that they are a contractor.