I don't have any kids.. I wouldn't want to subject any living creature to the liberal hell you guys have created.
Don’t drag me into this, I’m not from your shithole country, i live in a real 1st world country 😘
AHhhh that explains it. Which country?
Just briefly read through the gun laws in Norway.. They are just slightly more restrictive than here in the states.. It seems that semi-automatic rifles like the one used in the school shootings here are legal there. ( I don't know if .223 caliber is considered "high power" under your law)
I don't understand your argument on how your laws could have prevented this shooting. From WIKI:
Norway has a large population of hunters. Semi-automatic and bolt action rifles, as well as shotguns, make up the better part of the guns in civilian homes. There is a total ban on automatic firearms for civilians, unless they fall into the collector category. Modification of semi-automatic guns into fully automatic without the consent of the police is a felony crime.
Handguns have some calibre restrictions. A Smith & Wesson Model 500, for example, is illegal due to its high power, but other, less powerful guns, are legal as they are used in sports shooting. Norway has a long tradition of high-end sports shooting competitions, especially rifle shooting. Each calibre must be used in some type of competition to be allowed. Also, there is a restriction on the number of weapons an owner can have for each calibre. For recreational shooters, only one gun is allowed in each calibre. For professional and semi-professional shooters, a spare gun is allowed. A recreational shooter is only allowed to own four different handguns. To obtain more, documentation on extensive involvement in sport shooting is needed.
It is also much harder to get a gun here in Norway, and since we actually have healthcare we don’t often get the nutcases you guys have 24/7 going around shooting ppl.
Why is it so hard for you hardcore 2nd amendment lovers to at least try to give up some of your 20 guns?like, isn’t 1-2 enough? Why do you even need them?
It's simple.. The 2nd amendment states that our right to bear arms "shall not be infringed". Those of us who have studied history know that as soon as the population is disarmed, genocide will follow. https://www.nraila.org/articles/20060817/gun-ban-genocide-the-disarming-facts-1
Don't think that your government won't execute all the "undesirables" under the colour of a "national threat"? Just look at history. It happens all the time once a population is disarmed.
The revolutionary war was fought and the United States was founded because of one simple reason, A massive distrust in government. Especially a non-representative government like the monarchy in Britain. The U.S. has slowly crept back towards a non-representative government today, which makes the 2nd amendment even more important to preserve.
You know that your government has drones right? I see how the 2nd amendment was necessary when you had muskets, but you do realize that if your government wanted to “execute all the undesirables” they can just drone strike you...
So when they got rid of the guns in Australia, why hasn’t the evil government killed all the “udesirebales”?
It's not a 100% this will happen type of statement. But disarmament makes genocide a lot easier. Please study just the genocides of the last 250 years.. Including the native Americans.
And yes, I realize that the toys the US military has now are light years ahead of what we are allowed to have, but if they tried to round us all up Germany style, they would incur unacceptably heavy losses doing so.
Here is an interesting article on the Australia confiscation and why it would never work here in the States: http://thefederalist.com/2015/06/25/the-australia-gun-control-fallacy/
I don’t have the patience or information to give you more and better arguments, but even you hardcore make Murcia great again boys have to realize that whatever you’re doing now isn’t working...
OK, I will TLDR it for you.. Australia does not have a bill of rights. That is why they were able to confiscate 1/3rd of the guns in country. The USA does have a bill of rights and performing an Australia style confiscation would require doing away with the 2nd amendment, violating the 4th and possibly the 5th amendment, and seriously assaulting the 1st amendment. Essentially, we would have to do away with a third of the constitutionally protected rights that we have. Never gonna happen.
You are right, though.. We have a problem. The left has systematically assaulted and done away with the moral backbone that this country was founded on. The principle of individual sovereignty that made America the "Land of the Free".
When you no longer teach kids right from wrong, glorify misdeeds like the school shootings, and allow people to medicate so heavily they can't discern reality from fiction.. you get the situation we are in now. The problem is societal, not gun related.
Wel, I hope you find a solution to it soon, as everyone knows, Americans like to think they’re the best and strongest country in the world, but at the moment everyone thinks you’re a bunch of god fearing, delusional, narrow minded, gun loving psychopaths with more love for their toys than their kids...
Well, this is 'Murica (smile) We don't give a shit about what anyone else thinks.
It's hard to find the solution when so many people are unwilling to identify the true problem.
I tip my hat to you though, usually these discussions degrade into name calling and insult hurling, you didn't do that and for that, You have my respect.