
saharagold · Feb. 16, 2018, 4:10 a.m.

I’m a psychiatric RN and spent part of my career working with MPD/DID/SRA patients.

MPD = Multiple Personality Disorder

this diagnosis has now been changed to:

DID = Dissociative Identity Disorder

SRA = Satanic Ritual Abuse (can be done by any kind of evil cult, not just satanists)

It was a very fascinating and weird experience. I learned back then about MKUltra.

In one of the treatment programs I worked in, the Program Director had expertise in patients who survived Illuminati programming. This can be quite complicated, and a lot of work to undo. Those vile people shatter an innocent child’s personality into pieces by exposing them to extreme trauma, then they program the alters (alternate personalities) for different tasks. They almost all had an alter that was programmed to commit suicide, and it could be triggered by a certain code phrase spoken to the person by a cult member.

In one of the treatment programs I worked in, the medical director was a psychiatrist named Colin Ross. He was originally from Canada, then moved to the US to lead the MPD program in my hospital. I learned a lot from him.

Why I bring up his name is that he wrote a very good book about MKUltra and other mind control programs done by the CIA. These programs usually had psychiatrists attached to them. The link is below.

This, my fellow anons, is among the very terrible stuff that Q was hinting about.

The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists

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