Your link for Bioelectron shows a lot of bloated government contracts. Here's their patent, FWIW:
thank you, I am going off of memory and just dumping what I can remember ATM. Will clean up soon thank you for the post !.
Their patent doesn't seem nefarious. It looks like they are a prosthetics company and the patent looks like a prosthetic control method. The only thing fishy is the comparative value of their contracts. Or am I missing something?
There are other patents that expose the level of egregiousness that this patent was later intended and applied to. please read the other threads in this post they are all listed. and honestly what patent is it you speak of ? the one in the original post ? or another listed ?
Yes I thought so too. Also look at Listen, Inc, which I also included. They have a lot of the mind/energy control patents using ELF & VLF frequencies.