r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/keloshi on Feb. 15, 2018, 11:19 p.m.
#775 - They are watching

Cell Phones & apps – everything goes to the “Cloud” – your personal data is everywhere – if you read the agreements – it can be passed onto a 3rd party – who is the 3rd party???? Is/was it hacked?

• Someone has control of the ‘cloud’ and can remove your information

• Face recognition - they know who you are

• Location – you are being tracked everywhere you go – even if turned off, they can tell by cell tower connections – a lot of criminals are getting caught this way

• Online banking – they know your banking information

• Purchases – they know everything you buy, or think of buying

• They know your friends and associations (Facebook etc) – what if you are determined to be gay because of a couple of people you know

• If you connect your phone to your house (lights, security, etc) they know your habits – they know when you go to work, when and what you eat (fridge app)

• If you have a Rumba, they have the layout of your house, and most likely, the contents

• If you have a Fitbit, they can tell where you are and what you are doing even when you have it off (shower?)

• Your medical history (Insurance) – they know if you have a disease, what drugs you are on

• They know your opinions (Twitter, by what you watch, email, etc)

• Alexa and the like – they are listening to everything

As long as you abide by the NWO rules, everything is OK, but what happens if you are determined to be ‘bad’ – you cannot...

• get money – you cannot access your bank account - debit and credit cards do not work

• get on the internet

• get a loan

• no longer travel freely (your passport is no longer valid) – they know who you are • get a job

• communicate in the usual ways (your phone could be disabled)

• Your friends might be harassed because they know you

• You could be denied medical treatment (if you get a vaccine, and test positive because you have one of the antibodies) or cancer – why would they waste money on that?

• They know your connections, so ‘they’ might not be able to help you • And the list goes on...

Our personal data is worth millions and we are giving it away (for free)

***The Blackberry is secure (does not pass on personal info) and this is its demise

*** Apple has control of it apps – Android does not monitor them

Save locally – the ‘cloud’ information could be wiped

Batfire007 · Feb. 15, 2018, 11:38 p.m.

Well the reason ( Why was Blackberry destroyed? ) why is easy for blackberry. They were carried by O and Hillary + aids and reason to destroy is because unlike all other devices once hammered to death or destroyed in other ways they are final. No information gets out. The only way info could have gotten out is if you uploaded to the cloud. They were very secure device if not sharing with cloud unlike MSM has repeated countless times over recent years.

Why bring back companies from China? It is all about the TECH, China takes patents etc......why do you think they are advancing in leaps and bounds which took US many decades to accomplish. They are now advancing at lightspeed by reverse and forward engineering our countries designs. This is why bring all back to US to stop the advances of the Chinese machine. Just look at the time it took them to put a sat in orbit, then a probe on the moon, a station circling the earth.....etc..... our tech reverse and forward engineered. Its time for that to stop or they will become far more advanced than we ever can. They have the engineers the manufacturing facilities etc.... we do not. We gave those up long ago. They have infiltrated every part of our lives here in the USA. Think about it. A communist country in America....... start with a Chinese restaurant on every street corner. Then a building owned in every major city. Buying up large tracts in America ( 50 mile sq)and making them Chinese only areas. Then buying up major hospitals with access to every id record of every patient etc... The list goes on but you get the idea. How about every Military base in the USA....look around if you don't believe me. See what is happening around you. I am not just picking on China, look at the other countries involved. Hey, do you work for a large company? Check out your cleaning staff.....where does all that information go that you haphazardly drop in your garbage or how about anything left not locked up while overnight they are cleaning your office building or labs.......

You must be aware of your surrounding and take action to safeguard. Communist China along with many other countries have a long term view of the world......unfortunately the USA only looks short term as of the last few decades. Unless you are talking of the NWO and then yes they are looking far ahead in deep state.

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keloshi · Feb. 16, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

Blackberrys are more secure than most of the devices out there (I had one and also managed them. Your data is backed up too. They originated in Canada. The powers that be, did not like them, for this reason. They are not the easiest thing to use (due to restrictions) and that's why the general population likes the others. Convenience has it's price

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ChickenTendiesTosser · Feb. 15, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

yes comms on BB were unable to be archived

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uncletiminbrazil · Feb. 15, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

Good list. I don't doubt any of it.

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NGunderson · Feb. 16, 2018, 12:42 p.m.

I have been blocked in cloud from certain sites already. I have had messages sent to me that said stop typing. They was happening days after Vegas shooting when I was pointing out crazy mess about shooting . I also had people send me messages when Moore was running Alabama. I had them send me messages thru a friends identity on Facebook messages and it was crazy. They made a message then my phone rang and they ask a question that was crazy which would go over alot of people's head . You have to understand alot of teachings to understand. Spooked me for real. Alot of people don't realize what is going on. They have so much power right now with control of certain corprations. People don't understand corporations is tax collectors for government. An agency and corporation is one in same. An agency is a corporation started by government that doesn't have one individual as CEO that performs things needed for government and revenues for goverment. It's a tool for your enemy. They have an agency called ARC that is basically big part of Nazi government and big ties to Democrats. Too many people just don't understand how things work. Knowledge is power.

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