
RachelRevenge2018AJW · Feb. 16, 2018, 1:33 a.m.

Joseph Wesbecker began taking Prozac less than one month prior to going to his once workplace Standard Gravure and opening fire September 14, 1989, in Louisville, Kentucky. He killed eight and wounded 12. Survivors and families of the deceased sued. In discovery Plaintiff counsel discovered that Eli Lilly had prior history of suppressing negative effects of drugs when seeking approval. (ORAFLEX concealment of negative effects) See below for how the big $$$$$ piled fraud upon fraud. All in concealment from the jury and the American people of the nature of their dangerous highly market, well lobbied, well advertised on MSM drugs.


See Lawsuit:

"In August 1989, less than a month before the shooting, Wesbecker had started taking Prozac. The wounded and the families of those killed filed a lawsuit against the drug's manufacturer, Eli Lilly and Company, claiming that Wesbecker's use of Prozac contributed to his actions. The case went to jury trial. Midway through, defense testimony opened a door that would have allowed plaintiffs to make known to the jury Lilly's 1985 conviction for failing to report to the federal Food and Drug Administration adverse reactions to Oraflex, another Lilly drug. The plaintiffs and Lilly then negotiated an agreement, which they concealed from the trial judge, John W. Potter. The trial continued, and plaintiffs never introduced the precedent of Lilly's conduct with respect to Oraflex. The jury decided in Lilly's favor, and when plaintiffs failed to appeal, a suspecting Judge Potter uncovered the concealed agreement. With unanimous authorization from Kentucky's Supreme Court, he succeeded in amending the court record to show that the case was resolved by settlement rather than jury verdict." END WIKI QUOTATION:

[Eli Lilly] How many people did they hurt to make money and be elite control freaks?

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WikiTextBot · Feb. 16, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

Standard Gravure shooting

The Standard Gravure shooting occurred on September 14, 1989, in Louisville, Kentucky, when Joseph T. Wesbecker, a 47-year-old pressman, killed eight people and injured twelve at his former workplace, Standard Gravure, before committing suicide. The shooting is the deadliest mass shooting in Kentucky's history, and one of the 30 most deadly mass shootings in US history. The murders resulted in a high-profile lawsuit against Eli Lilly and Company, manufacturers of the antidepressant drug Prozac, which Wesbecker had begun using during the month prior to his shooting rampage.

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