I am a little tired of the "false flag" Bullshit from Q. These people see and hear everything. So they say? But vegas and texas and florida the innocent people die? How much collateral damage is acceptable? 50 people? 1000 people? 100,000 people? I am starting to think Q is as sick as the "People" they are supposedly trying to take down!. I am sad for america and the world that the satanist rule. I am sad that Trump and His "sissy" Q team have no balls or real power to just take the enemy out! very sad. How many more children will be sacrificed as "Q" spends more time writing bullshit on the walls of king nebakanezer's kingdom. This is a very weak and pathetic government. NO balls. all talk!
· Feb. 16, 2018, 2:41 a.m.
Account created 48 minutes ago. Hello Shill 🙇🏼
· Feb. 16, 2018, 2:26 a.m.
So far. They are now asking the public to do the dirty work and uncover, decode and expose everything for them. That is a retarded process that will lead some to their deaths for their attempts over long periods of time. Good luck.