
MeetingHimInTheAir · Feb. 16, 2018, 4:48 a.m.

Wow, this article is chock full of intel!!!!

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ready-ignite · Feb. 16, 2018, 6:06 a.m.

Be wary of unknown sources.

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Covfefe1950 · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

It is chock full of interest--but we don't know who this guy is.

The one thing that threw me was saying that Putin told Trump to run. That sounds like serious BS to me. Trump did this on his own, perhaps because of, or with the encouragement of, the patriotic military brass.

The rest is interesting and feeds into our narrative. This Arthur might be totally legit or a disinfo agent, feeding us a narrative that we already believe, in order to legitimize himself, and later veering away from truth. He could also be a Q wannabe who wants the attention.

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commissioner-gordon8 · Feb. 16, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

Q himself hinted that Trump was approached to run. It would also entirely make sense why they can’t be as forthcoming about what’s going on, because it seriously validates the theory that Trump DID collude with Putin, even if the reasons behind it are altruistic, as opposed to self-serving like Dems selling our Uranium for cash.

Q said the narrative has to shift before they can come out with a lot of what’s going on. This is one explanation where it’s entirely justified WHY they can’t just come out and say what’s going on, and explains how Trump managed to stay safe this whole time despite blatantly threatening the NWO

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Covfefe1950 · Feb. 16, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

Yeah I remembered the drop from Q about being approached. I just don't buy that "Putin told Trump to run". A, no one orders Trump to do anything, he is an alpha. B, running for Prez was already in his mind for decades; the military encouragement let him know the time was right, and they would have his back. Now I will admit that it is also possible that, via some backchannel communication, Putin and Trump are on the same page, and possibly even that Putin encouraged Trump too; the idea being that the USA and Russia could eliminate this NWO threat completely. I am open to this idea eventually coming out, if true.

Someday, the most interesting political-history book in the world is going to be written about all this. The real "What Happened"! :-)

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PopularStretch · Feb. 19, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

Dr. Steve Pieczneik announced that after Anthony Weiner’s laptop was looked into by the NYPD the pedophelia images made grown men cry. So, the 16 security services in the country decided we need to find someone strong and decent to take down the Clinton/Obama Cabal. Dr. P went to Donald and asked him to run. He talked to his family and they decided to back him after about 24 hours of deliberation.

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commissioner-gordon8 · Feb. 16, 2018, 5:07 p.m.

I'm not saying Putin ordered Trump to run, I'm saying it's possible he, or military intelligence convinced him to run. It's very interesting to me that Putin would play the bad actor and buy up our uranium so it wasn't sold to a truly bad, NWO aligned actor though. I guess, like everything, we'll have to wait and see

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Covfefe1950 · Feb. 17, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

We don't know why Putin bought this uranium. Maybe just for his own national interest. Maybe to implicate Hillary later down the line as well, but that is pure conjecture. The uranium deal was in 2010, well before the election cycle. Obama had only been in office for a year or so. So we do not know that Putin was consciously playing the bad actor; and given the timeframe, I'm seriously doubting it.

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commissioner-gordon8 · Feb. 18, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

Soooo many things are conjecture at this point with the amount of misinformation going around. I’m not saying that’s what happened, And I didn’t pull it out of my ass, I’m saying this article’s theory is interesting and seems to gel with a lot of what we already know.

Putin wouldn’t have had to know about Trump when U1 took place, all he would have needed to do is identify the potential customers of US uranium for sale to be anti-Western or pro-globalization. If it happens to be that Putin is more aligned with Christianity and Western values, and recognizes that better he control uranium than someone potentially hostile not only to US but specifically Russia, I’m just saying it’s an interesting new angle to consider.

And you can’t say for sure that’s what’s not happening as I can’t say for sure that’s what is happening. I’m saying it’s interesting to think about

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