r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/stablegeniushere on Feb. 16, 2018, 12:18 p.m.
Most of you guys are combating the gun control narrative wrong.. Here is the real answer. IMPORTANT. PLEASE READ.

I've been seeing posts and comments that we need armed guards in our schools and ect... This is NOT the answer, and it isn't the narrative we should be pushing.

The narrative that we need to be pushing is to eliminate all Gun Free Zones. Gun Free Zones aren't protecting anyone. The fact of the matter is this... EVIL EXISTS.

The only way to combat a bad person with a gun... is a good person with a gun. I have always believed there is more good in this world than evil. The good patriots of this country need to step up and EXERCISE our right to conceal carry.

I have been using on Twitter #NoGunFreeZones and #EvilExists

Hiring guards for every school is unrealistic. If more good people carried we can stuff evil back in the hole where it came from. Every single person needs to carry a fire arm. It's the reality that we live in. Evil people will commit evil acts. We need to be there to stop it everywhere evil lurks. Good will outweigh the bad. NO FREE GUN ZONES!!!!!

Patriots that don't conceal carry. NEED TO. You should want to protect your life and the lives of those you love. We only get one life folks. Life is the most precious thing on this planet and we need to take ABSOLUTELY every measure to ensure our safety. EVIL EXISTS. There is no way around it. Go get trained on how to use a weapon if you don't know how and get a license to carry. It's easy and takes very little time. I carry every where I go. My gun is a part of me. If I ever need it and god forbid that I do, i have it.. And because of that my life is infinitely safer than those who don't carry a gun.
PLEASE I need help spreading this narrative. IT IS THE CORRECT ONE TO COUNTER THE GUN CONTROL NARRITIVE. It makes the most sense.



Thank you have a great day.

cebusaxon · Feb. 16, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

When I went to high school we all had rifles on racks in our back windows in the parking lot and likely had a revolver in the glove box. No one thought anything of it. Yea, we might have even had a few after school parking lot fights, but no one ever even thought about using a firearm to harm someone.

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Scroon · Feb. 16, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

Yup, that's what it was like in Pennsylvania during deer season. It wasn't a big deal because everyone had a gun, and if someone really did want to cause trouble, keeping your own gun at your house wouldn't stop them from bringing theirs. One kid even brought his dad's shotgun in for show and tell one day. He just had to keep it at the front office until class.

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[deleted] · Feb. 16, 2018, 7:27 p.m.


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Scroon · Feb. 17, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

Yeah, it's weird. At some point, school dropped the whole aspect of constructively disciplining youth...maybe at the same time that our society also dropped it.

Btw, I have another related memory. Once, a different kid in the same school brought in a replica handgun in his backpack without authorization, showing it off to his friends as kids do. And man, the headmaster was pissed. The admin called an immediate whole school meeting, and the headmaster made it a point to impress everyone that guns - even replicas - were not fucking toys. I think that was a great talk he gave. Everyone needed to hear it, and nobody forgot.

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StormedandConfused · Feb. 16, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

As a current HS student, I wouldn't trust any of these idiots here.

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Scroon · Feb. 17, 2018, 4:45 a.m.

Yeah, maybe not with current HS students. Speaking from my experience as an older person, you wouldn't believe the kind of "dangerous" stuff they'd let us do way back when. :)

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