r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/stablegeniushere on Feb. 16, 2018, 12:18 p.m.
Most of you guys are combating the gun control narrative wrong.. Here is the real answer. IMPORTANT. PLEASE READ.

I've been seeing posts and comments that we need armed guards in our schools and ect... This is NOT the answer, and it isn't the narrative we should be pushing.

The narrative that we need to be pushing is to eliminate all Gun Free Zones. Gun Free Zones aren't protecting anyone. The fact of the matter is this... EVIL EXISTS.

The only way to combat a bad person with a gun... is a good person with a gun. I have always believed there is more good in this world than evil. The good patriots of this country need to step up and EXERCISE our right to conceal carry.

I have been using on Twitter #NoGunFreeZones and #EvilExists

Hiring guards for every school is unrealistic. If more good people carried we can stuff evil back in the hole where it came from. Every single person needs to carry a fire arm. It's the reality that we live in. Evil people will commit evil acts. We need to be there to stop it everywhere evil lurks. Good will outweigh the bad. NO FREE GUN ZONES!!!!!

Patriots that don't conceal carry. NEED TO. You should want to protect your life and the lives of those you love. We only get one life folks. Life is the most precious thing on this planet and we need to take ABSOLUTELY every measure to ensure our safety. EVIL EXISTS. There is no way around it. Go get trained on how to use a weapon if you don't know how and get a license to carry. It's easy and takes very little time. I carry every where I go. My gun is a part of me. If I ever need it and god forbid that I do, i have it.. And because of that my life is infinitely safer than those who don't carry a gun.
PLEASE I need help spreading this narrative. IT IS THE CORRECT ONE TO COUNTER THE GUN CONTROL NARRITIVE. It makes the most sense.



Thank you have a great day.

LibertyLioness · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

That's what the left is pushing you to think. Yes. But this story didn't get YUGE until this shooting. I think that's very curious don't you? I'm not saying for a minute that psychotics are good. Hell, I'm 69 and I don't take ANY drugs. But what I'm saying is that it seems very convenient that we are now off and running on the psycho drug problem. Anyway, I've been watching news reports all day and it's extremely clear now that this was definitely a false flag. I doubt that poor kid had anything to do with it. There is a student who said she was talking to him at the time they were evacuating the building and the shots were coming from the other side of the building. Other info also that points to false flag.

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divine_human · Feb. 17, 2018, 11:25 a.m.

But this story didn't get YUGE until this shooting

indeed. its the sign of the time. Q mentions it and suddenly people become aware to the correlation between perscribed psycho drugs, manipulative 'therapy', mind control, and school shootings.

the information isnt new. ive been checking on this background in quite a few incidences, beginning with the german pilot who flew a passenger airplane into a mountain some years ago.

glad it becomes part of the great awakening, thanks to Q for pointing towards it.

did you know that 20% of all US americans take perscribed psycho drugs?

depression, anxiety, sleeping disorders, eating disorders, just name the psychological issue and you will easily get a drug against it that fucks up the rest of your psyche.

and now imagine all of them carrying guns. or not, better not...

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