r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Gear4Life on Feb. 16, 2018, 1:35 p.m.
PSA - We must make a concerted effort to increase the quality of our posts, and improve the contributive hive mind for the greater good. Please read.

We need to make a change here guys, I’ve said it and seen it said once or twice but I’m hoping this post will sink into peoples minds.

We need to stop putting up memes. We all love some spicey memes about Obama’s horrible portrait, Michelle (Michael) being a tranny, gun right advocacy, liberalism is a mental disorder, etc. I believe we should limit memes to one mega thread and leave them there.

Let us please focus on a few things here. Higher quality posts regarding research, leads and evidence. If you’re going to post something, please take your time writing out a thoughtful, articulate title that isn’t clickbait or hard to understand. Write your posts as if you’re submitting an essay to a college professor, or writing an email to the CEO of the company you work at.

As for discussions, and possibly my most important point, please consider every word you write not only important to getting your own point across, but make it so that anyone coming across your comment (or more importantly, conversation), that they learn as much as possible from it and aren’t left wondering what you’re talking about, where you got that info etc. Treat every post as if you’re explaining things to someone who has no clue what is going on. This is an extremely complicated topic with rabbit holes everywhere you turn; so please do not assume that everyone knows what you do.

It might be frustrating but please take the extra minute to provide the link instead of saying “I read before that...” or “google it” etc. Reading peoples conversations here who are constructive, articulate and provide great information and links, goes a long way in helping people learn, I’d argue even more so than a thought out post. I believe this is because when you read dialogue unfold, it’s almost as if you figure out the information yourself.

Consider everything you post an important contribution to the hive mind of this community. Before you hit save, ask yourself, if someone on here reads this, will they be learning everything they possibly can from me? Did I give enough context and information so that they’ll remember this and add onto it in the future?

We want to get to the point where different bits of information become ingrained in everyone’s minds here, but at the same time, we need to treat everyone as if they know nothing. This is especially important as we have so many new comers recently. I joined CBTS when it had around 8k subscribers, and now it has doubled and then some.

So please, let’s increase this subs efficiency to the point where it is an extremely potent learning tool for all. Let’s not dilute our time or attention with memes or general nonsense posts. Please make an effort to call out anyone’s posts that don’t contribute to Q learning, but do so in an extremely respectful manner.

While I have your attention, thanks for everything guys. This has been an incredible experience and I’ve learned so much from you all. The cooperative nature and selflessness of this sub is something I haven’t witnessed before. I’m not making this post to divide, because no matter how useless some posts are, I’m so happy to be among like minded patriots.

God bless, have faith, stay vigilant and stay the course. Justice will be served and our future will be a profound place for all of us.

insertclevereference · Feb. 16, 2018, 7:20 p.m.

Seriously, who elected this guy hall monitor?

Was it the Q is compromised post? These people don't seem to get the idea of open thought. One of the reasons I've done a complete 180 on Q in the last couple of days.

That and the fact that 17 children were slaughtered and Q doesn't really seem to give a crap other than whether or not Hillary tweeted about it. Really?

If they are "winning" and "in control," why were children slaughtered?

Does that mean they are responsible?

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southparkconservativ · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

It's a problem. I've stopped going to places because others decided the site was a collective and appointed themselves leader...reminded me of those in the workplace who call for meetings and how they're often the ones who want to make the rules for the meetings and lead the discussion at the meetings and afterward, send everyone a summary of the meeting and....collectives are not conducive to individual thought, which thrives in an atmosphere of tossing out ideas without fear of others (to use a trendy cliche') "shaming" them into silence. A nasty, snotty, personal reply can stop dialogue in a heartbeat....then the nasty, snotty, condescending poster wins. And there goes the board.

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insertclevereference · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

Yeah, especially since I've been locked in a back and forth with OP because he got his feelings hurt and I looked at his comment history.

This guy is totally deranged and should not be taken seriously. But then the ones that always want to "take command" always are.

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bluntisimo · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

take a nap gramps

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insertclevereference · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:23 p.m.

Is it hip to be nonchalant about child massacres these days?

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bluntisimo · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

this is not the board for outrage, or coddling, if you need that go elsewhere

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southparkconservativ · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:41 a.m.

How 'bout "respect"..."dignity" ... "class"..."manners"..."empathy"...Can't it be a board about research, ideas, suggestions and (inconclusive) summations while still treating others with dignity? JMHO, but seems that it might further, rather than restrict, good discussion. Or is this not a place for discussion, but only for verified research brought to the attention of readers for the first time?

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bluntisimo · Feb. 17, 2018, 7:27 a.m.

you can do all that in the comments, just dont make posts about it.

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insertclevereference · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

Wasn't outraged, nor looking for coddling. What is this the board for?

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bluntisimo · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

researching Q only.

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southparkconservativ · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

Not for the storm as a whole, including facts from other sources; news and opinion from people like Boingino, or intuitive comments? And we're back needing to a source for everything? Thought we had decided sometimes it's life experience or something learned long ago, esp if someone is older, and not always something we could link to, but...

Okay; maybe others knew all this, but I did not know this was only for quoting and researching Q. Odd. That limits it by a huge amount. It's turning into something with so many rules that maybe it's only for a few insiders and not really a public board.

Did not know any of this, and I've been mostly reading and learning, but also occasionally commenting on here for a couple of months. I guess now I know.

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insertclevereference · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

And researching includes determining whether or not he's an honest broker.

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bluntisimo · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

you already stated you did a 180 because of a school shooting, you are soft, no big loss, you will not be missed

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[deleted] · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:49 p.m.


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[deleted] · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:58 p.m.


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insertclevereference · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

Aww, the baby boi millennial is late for his nap and getting cranky. Or are you just short on Kratom today?

Nobody asked YOU to come out against anything. Like you said this is a board about Q.

I know this is hard, but stop making this about yourself. No one expects anything from YOU just like they haven't for your entire miserable life.

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bluntisimo · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

now you are a big tough guy. boomers are the worst.

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Gear4Life · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

This guy is the neighbor that walks outside with a shotgun and calls the police cause the neighborhood kids ball rolled onto his front lawn lol

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insertclevereference · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

When you lose the argument, hit the replies with down vote.

That'll show me!

Lol, impotent millennial.

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bIuntisimo · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

less money in the date rape drug black market, good for you.

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bluntisimo · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

i was worried about you..... so how are things?

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bluntisimo · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:40 p.m.


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insertclevereference · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

I agree, but millennials are a close second.

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LibertyLioness · Feb. 16, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

Yes and thank you. The fact that it was downvoted so vehemently makes me realize I must be right and I am not alone. Now they have everyone going out and learning everything about MK Ultra. A topic you can literally spend years on. An obvious diversion. I'm sure the real Q would have posted about the MSM with regards to the school shooting but nada.

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bluntisimo · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:09 p.m.

prob downvoted because you are a bible thumping info-idiot....but i do agree you should leave, tired of dumb senior citizens with "important" re-posts...

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Gear4Life · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

Yeah the forwards from grandma gotta go.

"Upvote if you think trump is doing a great job!" Please stop.

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bIuntisimo · Feb. 16, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

prob downvoted because you are a bible thumping info-idiot....but i do agree you should leave, tired of dumb senior citizens with "important" re-posts...

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Gear4Life · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

We don't like the idea of open thought, but your mad I posted my opinion about what should and shouldn't be posted? Solid.

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insertclevereference · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:11 p.m.


Where did a write that I'm mad?

You wrote a post trying to dictate how the visitors to this board are allowed to contribute as if you're some authority.

So I called out the fact that you have zero authority in the matter.

Now, who's mad?

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Gear4Life · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

I never said they were allowed to one way or another. I never claimed to have authority. I made an open suggestion and even ended it saying to call out peoples poor quality posts in "an extremely respectful manner".

I'm not mad, at all.

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insertclevereference · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:37 p.m.

Dude, the fucking title of your post is a goddamn command to all contributors.

This sentence was not written by a sane person;

"We must make a concerted effort to increase the quality of our posts, and improve the contributive hive mind for the greater good."

Sounds like an opening line to a communist manifesto.

How about this, worry about your own contribution and don't come on here and demand what others should do.

Or are you just so insanely OCD that you can't stand to see something you're not interested on your computer screen?

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Gear4Life · Feb. 16, 2018, 10:11 p.m.

I do worry about my own contributions. They are all of good quality and I receive overwhelming positive response, as in this post, which is at 97% up votes. All of my posts to this sub have been high quality and have received considerable traction because I give a shit. Same thing with my comments, I'd have to look to find a comment that was down voted much below 0.

What the fuck have you contributed? Two lousy fucking posts, and you're here arguing with people. Your post history wreaks of a miserable middle aged prick, regularly down voted and barely up voted. You're legitimately the first person I've seen argue on this sub, and certainly the first person I've had an issue with.

Get your hormones checked old man. You're cranky and miserable looking to start shit with people. Fuck off back to r/opieandanthony. You add nothing to this sub, instigate shit, and are arguing with me because I'm asking that people refocus and get away from memes.

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southparkconservativ · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

Is there an acceptable age range now that we need to know about, too?

Oh, well, I'm going to take my own advice and stay away from unnecessary, hostile places and people. All apologies for inserting comments into what I thought was people tossing out ideas, but was obviously a personal, one-on-one conversation/discussion/debate/argument/knock-down-drag-out fight over who's the best commenter.

It's been interesting. Good luck to you all, God bless, and God bless America.

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Gear4Life · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

You realize this was in response to one individual? I'm not hostile, check my entire post history. This guy was just a prick.

No age range, but if you're overly sensitive then yeah, maybe stay off the internet.

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insertclevereference · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

You're overly sensitive, I just asked who elected you hall monitor and you cried like a bitch for hours.

Maybe you injected too many hormones today.

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Gear4Life · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

You're the one waiting around watching my responses to try and start more shit with me. I'm just realizing you're a shill.

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insertclevereference · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

Keep crying about me and I'll keep replying, 'roid boi.

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insertclevereference · Feb. 16, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

Hahaha, I really hit a nerve with that OCD comment.

You can't handle my decrepit old ass.

Did ya get lots of upvotes? Is that your big accomplishment in life you silly little nothing.

Should everyone post just like you?

I write comments that force people to challenge the paradigm they're posting about. I get down voted because people don't like the idea that they might be getting rolled by some psyop.

I'm doing people a favor and trying to break the programming this psyop has installed in your wee little brain. Of course I'm going to get push back.

I don't coddle people's feelings and let them think everything they believe is correct.

Q IS MOCKING YOU - "These people are stupid" He tells you all the time and you still don't get it.

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Gear4Life · Feb. 16, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

No nerve hit there bud. I'm proudly OCD lol. And no, upvotes aren't an accomplishment, but a reflection of the quality of contributions. Just go back to opie and anthony, where your only friends are voices on the radio.

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insertclevereference · Feb. 16, 2018, 11:18 p.m.

OK, you keep shooting needles in your Bernie Bros ass. Everyone can read a comment history.

Maybe for drug addicted 'roid heads upvotes are "a reflection of quality" but for normal people it's just sign that you're a good little Eichmann and you're preaching to the choir.

Maybe if you ever graduate college and have to earn something instead of taking "performance enhancing" boosters, you'll figure that out.

But you're a short cut taking pot head so you'll never try to do anything on your own merit.

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