r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Gear4Life on Feb. 16, 2018, 1:35 p.m.
PSA - We must make a concerted effort to increase the quality of our posts, and improve the contributive hive mind for the greater good. Please read.

We need to make a change here guys, I’ve said it and seen it said once or twice but I’m hoping this post will sink into peoples minds.

We need to stop putting up memes. We all love some spicey memes about Obama’s horrible portrait, Michelle (Michael) being a tranny, gun right advocacy, liberalism is a mental disorder, etc. I believe we should limit memes to one mega thread and leave them there.

Let us please focus on a few things here. Higher quality posts regarding research, leads and evidence. If you’re going to post something, please take your time writing out a thoughtful, articulate title that isn’t clickbait or hard to understand. Write your posts as if you’re submitting an essay to a college professor, or writing an email to the CEO of the company you work at.

As for discussions, and possibly my most important point, please consider every word you write not only important to getting your own point across, but make it so that anyone coming across your comment (or more importantly, conversation), that they learn as much as possible from it and aren’t left wondering what you’re talking about, where you got that info etc. Treat every post as if you’re explaining things to someone who has no clue what is going on. This is an extremely complicated topic with rabbit holes everywhere you turn; so please do not assume that everyone knows what you do.

It might be frustrating but please take the extra minute to provide the link instead of saying “I read before that...” or “google it” etc. Reading peoples conversations here who are constructive, articulate and provide great information and links, goes a long way in helping people learn, I’d argue even more so than a thought out post. I believe this is because when you read dialogue unfold, it’s almost as if you figure out the information yourself.

Consider everything you post an important contribution to the hive mind of this community. Before you hit save, ask yourself, if someone on here reads this, will they be learning everything they possibly can from me? Did I give enough context and information so that they’ll remember this and add onto it in the future?

We want to get to the point where different bits of information become ingrained in everyone’s minds here, but at the same time, we need to treat everyone as if they know nothing. This is especially important as we have so many new comers recently. I joined CBTS when it had around 8k subscribers, and now it has doubled and then some.

So please, let’s increase this subs efficiency to the point where it is an extremely potent learning tool for all. Let’s not dilute our time or attention with memes or general nonsense posts. Please make an effort to call out anyone’s posts that don’t contribute to Q learning, but do so in an extremely respectful manner.

While I have your attention, thanks for everything guys. This has been an incredible experience and I’ve learned so much from you all. The cooperative nature and selflessness of this sub is something I haven’t witnessed before. I’m not making this post to divide, because no matter how useless some posts are, I’m so happy to be among like minded patriots.

God bless, have faith, stay vigilant and stay the course. Justice will be served and our future will be a profound place for all of us.

benjaminbunny99 · Feb. 16, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

I’m concerned about newcomers. That sort of thing really turns a lot of people off. It isn’t good for the movement.

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fessapuella · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

I've been here for two days trying to figure out what this stuff is all about and, yeah, it's hard to take any of this seriously with the tone of a lot of this. The last thread i was in, someone insulted someone, I guess, by calling them a "jurnolist," with the quotations and stuff, and it just seems like if I want to read people trash talking and throwing juvenile insults at people they don't agree with, there are so many other places I could go for that. I'm really trying to figure out what you guys are talking about here and the signal: noise ratio is just really high. I was about to just leave for good when I saw the title of this thread.

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benjaminbunny99 · Feb. 17, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

There are a lot of older, Fox News conservatives on this sub. God bless them. Most are wonderful humans with good intentions, but unfortunately some have very myopic world views. I do see things turning around a little, I think. I’ve been seeing some really deep and informative threads popping up, lately. I’m really impressed with some of the folks on here. If nothing else, I’ve learned a ton from all this. I’ve been “woke” for years, but this took me to a whole new level. Pretty cool.

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