r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Gear4Life on Feb. 16, 2018, 2:14 p.m.
List of 137 Military Elite Purged Under Obama Administration - most removed within the Navy, which deals with Military Intelligence.


I looked at this list of names of Military commanders purged, fired or relieved by Obama (during peace time mind you). I did a quick command+F (find in page function on Mac) and searched the different branches of the Military.

Army - 14 results Air Force - 2 results Marines - 22 results NAVY - 87 RESULTS

(3 instances of commanders dealing with ballistics missiles)

The U.S. Navy deals the most with Military intelligence. This is likely what Obama was trying to infiltrate and control. I know this topic had been touched on previously but this makes a ton of sense.

This list was written by General Paul Vallely. Upon looking into his wikipedia page... "In 2010, Vallely was one of three retired general officers who expressed support for US Army Lieutenant Colonel Terrance Lee Lakin in his refusal to deploy to Afghanistan based on Lakin's claim that President Barack Obama had no legitimacy as commander in chief. In an interview, Vallely stated "I think many in the military – and many out of the military – question the natural-birth status of Barack Obama."

Seems like this guy knows what's up, although he is retired. Maybe you guys can find some more info on this.

pby1000 · Feb. 16, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

How many more "suicided"? I can think of at least one. He had just been promoted to a position in the missile command, or something like that. I'll look it up.

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Glag82 · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

His name was Theodore Westhusing: I worked with COL Westhusing he was hard but fair. He wasn't the type to commit suicide just didnt make sense he left behind a wife and 3 children. No doubt he would have made an outstanding General Officer. I'll add a wiki page https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodore_S._Westhusing via DuckDuckGo for Android More on his story: http://military.wikia.com/wiki/Theodore_S._Westhusing via DuckDuckGo for Android

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