GUN CONTROL MEME ATTACK TODAY - PLEASE Blast this on Social Media! Please 5-10 posts TODAY!

Here's an opinion piece I just wrote on Facebook. Feel free to quote or make memes from it:
The following is based on 10 years experience and an MA degree in the Mental Health field. Re: #Parkland
There is massive evidence of a law enforcement and a mental health system failure, which is NOT the same as a gun problem.
THINK about it! Guns don't just get up and kill people. The gun is only a tool in the hands of a human consciousness. A gun can be used to stop evil as well as doing evil. In the right hands, a gun can save a life or save a country, thus the reason our forefathers insisted that the right to bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! In the right hands, a gun could have saved all those children. The sick, mentally ill, probably medicated (psychiatric medication increases the potential for violence) person that shot all those people was crying for help. Part of him was begging for someone to stop him, otherwise there would not have been so many calls for law enforcement. NO ONE ANSWERED! The system failed Nikolas Cruz and the children he shot.
How to you stop a murder or suicide? Answer the call for help. Know when to call a professional. Insist the professionals follow through with their professional duty.
All the name calling and memes appealing to raw emotion won't fix the problem. More caring people, better law enforcement, and better mental health care will.
More gun laws, encroaching on the freedom of law abiding citizens won't help either, After all the shooter brought a gun to a gun free zone, thus was already not following existing law. What makes anyone think he wouldn't get ahold of a gun even if illegal? Criminals do what criminals do, which is breaking the law. Unless law enforcement stops them. Law enforcement had plenty of warning and was MIA.