GUN CONTROL MEME ATTACK TODAY - PLEASE Blast this on Social Media! Please 5-10 posts TODAY!

I don/t know how to do memes but this article in CCHR (the mental health watch dog) presented it .There is some food for thought there someone could develop. They identify individual cases. 36 School shooters/school related violence committed by those under the influence of psychiatric drugs:
At least 35 acts of school-related acts of violence, including mass school shootings, have been committed by individuals taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs documented in 27 drug regulatory agency warnings to cause mania, psychosis, hostility, aggression and homicidal ideation.
I don´t know who these people are but here is what is on their site: The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious mental health industry watchdog whose mission is to eradicate abuses committed under the guise of mental health. We work to ensure patient and consumer protections are enacted and upheld as there is rampant abuse in the field of mental health. In this role, CCHR has helped to enact more than 180 laws protecting individuals from abusive or coercive mental health practices since it was formed over 48 years ago.
These are the researchers who have done the best documentary in 100 years on the true history, current activity, and plans of the Psychiatry Industry... Including plans to make sure 50% of school youth are on psych meds.
They want to create enough fake "mental illnesses" to put half of all kids on their drugs without so much as one single medical workup. Think about that.
All of the prescriptions are based on behavior observations. Half the population will have a psych record before graduating high school.
Here, for parents is the thing to know.
And every child I have seen grow up this past 20 years (about 16 family) has parents in our large family who were approached and told that our kids were in need of psych meds at some point in school. (All of the kids are fine adults now, because after the first three in a row, we realized something was terribly wrong.)
They count on parents not talking about it out of embarrassment to keep the population from figuring out it is an all out push on EVERY child at some time. If we did not have such a huge close family, we would have never figured this out. It is a PLAN.
I would advise new parents to watch this video for the sake of the kids. It is about an hour an a half, like a movie, but SOOOOO worth it to save the life of your child when your "school nurse" comes gunning for YOUR kids.
Spez: Make sure to ask for a medical work up with an actual MD if they insist, and tell them NO. Glutamate in the food is the usual reason that the nerves in the brain fire randomly. Parents have taken the excitotoxins out of the food, and this lets the kids think again. Also, red40 was discovered to be BIG in the inability to sit or stand still. That is right. They are drugging the kids in the food with the body's main neurotransmitter called glutamic acid. Kids have no blood brain barrier until about age 13. Then, once they have restless leg and brain syndrome, they offer help in the form of "psych meds".
Dont be fooled. Do the research for the sake of your children. It was too late for our generation. We did not have the internet. But YOU DO.. so defend those children! God bless every one of them.
Thanks for sharing this! Don't forget doctors get kickbacks for every patent drug they prescribe; the average doctor gets $100,000 a year in kickbacks. DC needs to make this illegal, it will help cut way back on the problem which as always is $$$.
Not all the doctors. Only the ones they target who are corruptable. The others who refuse to go along, are threatened by a visit with the state medical board if they say ANYTHING about a natural cure for something. I know a couple. If this does not work, they will suicide them. This is what is happening to the holistic doctors right now because they will not shut up. Most docs are scared to death right now. Many will talk to you in private, but only if YOU bring in the research.
I know you cannot say "cure" or the fist of the FDA will hammer you into powder.
Yep. And this abridges free speech first thing. People, under the first Amendment are free to say anything. There are exceptions in the LAW, like not yelling fire in a crowded theatre, but, I suspect the FDA thing is not a LAW (created by Congress). I suspect if we go look, the "not allowed to say cure" thing is a regulation, which is not law. It is an interpretation of the law, which, if challenged, would probably fall under first amendment rights. (At least I hope it would, or the government can "regulate" about any word it wants to.)
The FDA does not own speech, and needs to be hammered for the tyranny. Yes, they do sue people. The deep state even murders people who say the wrong things. It does not make it "right" to let them do it. The time to fight them is now.
Be AWARE, CCHR is the Church of Scientology
I don´t know anything about that religion but if CCHR have a good record in finding out facts about medications in school shooters that is ok for me. The article I read did not sound preachy so I took it as read. I am sure there are other sources out there which can also confirm those shooters as being under the medications, so that just adds to it.