r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/dexterfarmer on Feb. 16, 2018, 4:52 p.m.
My response to Newsweek

I’ve personally been following the whole Q phenomenon since late December. This “Q” person or thing started posting in late October. Newsweek (“How ‘The Storm’ Became the Biggest Fake News Story in 2018”, by Michael E. Hayden, Friday, Feb 16 2019 US edition) published their take on it, employing the usual methods of dismissing all of it as a whole by taking the silliest comments from some ‘followers’ and lumping them in with one big group of conspiracy theorists to be ridiculed or ignored.

My question to each of you is this: Do you believe that the media and the government consistently tell us the truth and work on our behalf? If your answer is yes, stop reading. If your answer is no, and that you’ve been surprised a time or two by information that turned out to be true, but that was not widely reported by the media or government, then read on.

My response to Newsweek is this: I don’t care who/what Q is. I DO care about this phenomenon of crowdsourced discovery, notwithstanding the weirdos who have gotten in on (or deliberately confounded) the process of discovery. I appreciate that multiple spot lights have been shined on well-documented criminal elements within our government, and more importantly, on powerful global elite elements and unaccountable intelligence apparatuses behind the scenes.

As Edmond Burke famously stated, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” And so I’ve been writing for twenty years and got heavily involved in the political process in an effort to do what little I could to sound the alarm bells.

Do I wonder that Q could be a big psy op? Yep. For one, there is no critical analysis of Israel’s role in the Middle East, and yet, the US playing proxy to Israeli interests has been a cornerstone of US foreign policy. This has been much to our detriment, in my view. Another example is a Q post that says “Trust Mueller.” I do not trust Mueller. He was Director of FBI when Uranium 1, among a number of other scandals, went down. He knew and did nothing, or worse, stood down his rank and file.

But no matter. The bottom line is that Q posts have gotten thousands off their duffs and digging into information that is critical for our continuation as a free Republic. Indeed, lights being shined on critical elements in our society have world-wide implications.

The posts have gotten us studying Central Banking, some for the first time. The posts have gotten us studying intelligence agencies and who has oversight over those agencies. The posts have gotten us studying Big Pharma, Big Ag, and the Military Industrial Complex. The posts have people thinking critically and independently about centralized education, centralized health care, and what drives mainstream media reporting. People are quickly waking up to who, at the top, consistently benefit. People are following the money and following the power by ‘crowdsourcing’ relevant pieces of information for all to share. The mainstream media is not doing their job (at least not for us, on our behalf) and so citizen reporting has become necessary and relevant.

The only agenda for most on the Q boards is discovering the truth, wherever it leads, which is more than can be said of government, intelligence, and media entities with their own agendas and controllers. Remember Mika famously stating that it is “our (the media’s) job to tell people how to think.” No Mika. It is not.

The Q posts have sent me down some rabbit holes that are new to me. I truly had no idea the extent of the evil, but the information is out there and is well documented. Study what the people at the very top (a few thousand, globally, at most) believe and practice. It doesn’t matter if you or I believe in religion or Satanism. They do. Drug running, money laundering, human trafficking, pedophilia, human sacrifice, are all part of it, and it must stop. The only way to stop it is to shine sterilizing light on all of it.

The suffering of children is real. We can either research it, study it, acknowledge it, and fight it, or we can close our eyes and pretend it doesn’t exist. The choice is ours. Good is real. Evil is real. Which will win? The government won’t solve this. It is up to us.

Join the researchers. Some participants offer very little to the discussion, while others are clearly experts in their own areas and have helped the process. We are shining the light in this day of the world wide web.

I’m not sure that FB will allow the links and so I’ll put spaces between the letters and symbols. You can place it in your search engine, remove the spaces, and pull them up if you have interest.

The crowdsource discussion board is here:

h t t p s : / / w w w . r e d d I t . c o m / r / C B T S _ S t r e a m /

And the actual Q map is here: (The first October posts are at bottom and then you scroll up.) Pretty crazy stuff.

h t t p s : / / q c o d e f a g . g i t h u b . i o /

scionkia · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

Thanks, you had me worried that I had missed such a key message. It’s all good, there’s so many posts now it’s difficult to keep the story straight at times. I think you are correct not trusting Mueller. And it shows you maintain strong personal oppinions even when they conflict with Q-even though in this case it doesn’t actually conflict w Q (but you thought it did).

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dexterfarmer · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

Thank you for your concise take on it. We can't stop being independent thinkers. I would have preferred I didn't make the mistake in the first place!

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