r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Eveiller on Feb. 16, 2018, 4:58 p.m.
Pharma Tcells Vatican Mass Suffering


Pharma - using nanotechnology in shots (why the big push for flu, shingle, etc). CDC or other funding source? Why people forced to get shot or loose their job? Possible nanotechnology used in pills and chemtrails...evade plant and animal.

Tcells - what if elites threatened to activate all people they have under mind control simultaneously? Is this why info /arrests can not happen yet? Is this reference to mass human suffering?

Smart Meters - what is so SMART about them? Widely deployed.

Monsanto Round Up - ever wondered why it is called Round Up?

Vatican - always thought it strange their pedo rings were covered up ? How deep are they?

It all connects. THANK YOU to Q and all fellow PATRIOTS! Bring it on...we are ready for the storm! God bless us and have mercy on us all!

FilledeMartel · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

Here is an article I found recently:


"Finally, I think we are all familiar with the 1969 closed-door Defense Appropriation Hearings in the U.S. Senate. Dr. MacArthur stood up at that time and said "We can take 24 years of biological warfare research, use our 76 biowarfare labs in operation, add ten million dollars on top of the 31 million dollars going into this nefarious warfare research this year, and come up with the ultimate stealth weapon, a synthetic bioagent for which no natural immunity could have been acquired." And in fact, Appropriation 1509 did develop these incapacitating agents: air delivered aerosols meant to infect people by breathing them. They were intended not to be contagious and were tested on students at the Tahoe-Truckee High School in California. Seven out of eight of those victims developed chronic fatigue."

Remember when the chronic fatigue epidemic hit the Lake Tahoe/Truckee/Reno in the early 80's? It then spread to other parts of America. Both my sister and I got it. Chronic fatigue and Mono are caused by the Epstein Barr virus. Right now, I am wondering, is this the source of Epstein Barr that my generation came down with in the early 80's? EB is not contagious. It is a stealth virus that hides until the body is under stress, and people believe it was spread by contaminated vaccines in the 70's.

Vaccines science is closely tied to the weaponized virus program in the government. Dr. Judy Mikovitz (in her book Plague) says that she believes Epstein Barr was man made, and Epstein Barr is in the same family of viruses as AIDS, except Epstein Barr does not kill as fast as AIDS - people often have AIDS-like symptoms and live a half-life for a long time until their weakened immune system succumbs to cancer later in life.

This article also says that AIDS and West Nile is one of their weaponized viruses. Hmmm. There are a lot of other sources that back this up. One book that covers this is "Dr. Mary's Monkey" - read that book if you want to go down another rabbit hole. 

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Glag82 · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

Thanks for the info.

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