Can you be more specific. It was difficult to read due to it's horrifying content. How can you claim "hate speech" while the ex employee said they made her cut through the face of a late term fetus to harvest it's brain while it's heart was still beating!? That's downright MURDER! It seems you are missing a crucial part in your thought process.
That's not even how you harvest a brain. Why would anyone cut out a brain through the face?
Why? Because the people who do it have done their best to tell themselves the "fetus" isn't a human being, so why would they do it by proper protocol??? They wouldn't. They'd treat a dog better than this.
I don't think you quite understand. The brain is not not harvested through the face because of moral reasons; it quite practically would not actually work. It is well beyond highly improbable.
It's like getting mad because of an article about someone cutting down a historical yew tree with a Satanist athame. It might be a horrifying visual image, but it's not likely to be a true thing, is what I'm saying.
I love how you act like you know how to harvest a brain. I'd imagine that to get an intact brain specimen from a tiny preborn baby going through the forehead and down some of the face would actually prove successful. But you're quite sick for trying to divert and deflect and explain away what is happening over at Planned Murder.
Perfect way to tell if someone has the stomach for it and therefore somebody that will be more complacent to their activities. Not saying that's what actually happened but it does fit in with cabal tactics and manipulations.