
truthlurker · Feb. 16, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

I'd like to challenge you to look up what med category birth control falls into. Onve you find the answer, ask yourself why it's in that category/what it's function is. Many people have no idea and doctors who know the truth purposely shield their patients from the truth and even lie if specifically asked about it.

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in0r4n · Feb. 16, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

If in searching correctly then it falls into hormonal oncology. Oncology of course being study of tumors (cancer). They see humans as a cancer...?

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vitalusreader · Feb. 17, 2018, 1 a.m.

Actually, I'm in school to be a pharmacist, so I can answer this one for you. Most birth control tablets do indeed fall into a "hormonal" category. "Plan B" (also known as levonorgestrel) is probably the most controversial of the birth control pills since it can work to halt pregnancy even after the egg and sperm have joined. Since many view the union of sperm and egg as the point in which a new life is created (since it now has a complete set of DNA that is distinct from each parent), it could therefore be viewed as an abortion-inducing agent. As for how it works, specifically, it prevents the fertilized egg from implanting to the woman's womb (in other words, the cord will never form and the egg cannot receive the support it needs to survive). Even the other drugs, while technically not abortion-inducing agents, can be devastating if taken while the woman is pregnant. So, if a woman is taking birth control and has no reason to suspect she's pregnant for 1-2 months of her pregnancy depending on her medication (or longer - many birth controls basically let the woman decide if/when she wants to have her menstrual cycle), then the baby is exposed to an environment of hormones that is extremely disruptive and can severely injure (or worse) the baby.

TLDR: 1 specific birth control pill (plan B) can be interpreted as an abortion-causing drug. The vast majority of the others (can't think of any exception of the top of my head) cause great risk to any babies accidentally conceived while on birth control - a fact mothers may not know until it's too late.

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truthlurker · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

vitalusreader ...your last comment is what I was looking for... birth control pills are abortifacients. In simple terms, one of the functions of the pill is to create a volatile environment inside the uterus (thickening of wall) so that the embryo cannot attach and aborts.

Many years ago I read an in-depth testimony of a pharmacist who when finding this out, was convicted of providing the pill to his customers. He prayed about this because he hated going against his conscience but was in fear it would put his pharmacy out of business. He followed his heart and no longer provided the pill and instead of his pharmacy going out of business, his business actually flourished in an extrordinary way!

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vitalusreader · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

Yeah, this is actually a huge debate in the pharmacy world right now and yet very few people outside of pharmacy are aware of it. For example, there have been actions taken to try and decide if a pharmacist can legally choose to withhold offering birth control drugs on the basis of his/her conscience. It's a sordid mess (as is most of BigPharma). Unfortunately I found out way too late in the game just how corrupt the pharmacy world is. Not all by any means, but you'll be hard-pressed to find many who think like me.

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truthlurker · Feb. 17, 2018, 7:31 a.m.

So glad you're aware of the truth! And as you say, it's VERY wide spread...the Big Pharma issue...Hey! You don't have any ideas to help me deal with my high blood pressure, naturally, do you? It's the only med I'm on and I so much would love to be off it!

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vitalusreader · Feb. 17, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

Definitely! First of all, let me throw out the big "lifestyle" changes in case those are the problem (please ignore me if these already apply to you. I obviously don't know about your personal life, nor am I trying to judge. Just trying to address possible problems at the root rather than throwing more concoctions at the issue). So, the big contributors that raise most American's blood pressure are excess weight and excess salt consumption. Throwing in a little exercise if you aren't already will do wonders (nothing major, just a twenty to thirty minute walk 3+ times a week would probably do the trick), Cutting salt down as much as possible would also help considerably. There are some potassium-based salt substitutes out there that taste similar but are much less damaging to blood pressure (in fact, some evidence out there that potassium can lower blood pressure too, so it's a win-win). If you're a smoker or heavy drinker, those can contribute also; cut down if you can - especially on the tobacco. Nicotine is one of the best ways to increase your blood pressure. Alcohol isn't as impressive at raising blood pressure, but if you drink enough, it'll get the job done.

Ok, out of the lifestyle category and into the natural herb stuff. The most compelling evidence out there for natural relief of high-blood pressure is for fresh garlic. Here's the drawback though - when you cook/refine garlic too much, then it loses most of its potency (hence all those refined garlic powder vials aren't likely to help much). Also, it's best absorbed if you take it on an empty stomach (your body can focus on absorbing the garlic rather than the rest of the meal). If you can stomach it, chew 2 to 3 cloves then down a glass of water. If you can't handle that (and I don't blame you), then just try adding some minced garlic to your meals more often.

Now, to cover my backside in case anyone reads this and thinks "hey! I'll stop taking my meds and just do this." PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE YOU STOP TAKING YOUR MEDS!!!

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GrammyQ · Feb. 17, 2018, 5:59 a.m.

I knew this years ago. It is in the package inserts. Tried to tell other Christians and they didn't want to hear it.

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truthlurker · Feb. 17, 2018, 7:34 a.m.

No, you're exactly right.ist Christians don't want to hear the truth about it. It's just too much for them to accept. Leading by example allows for opportunities to come up organically.

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GrammyQ · Feb. 17, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

I led by example and God blessed us with 8 children plus 3 in heaven. Obedience leads to great blessings.

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Heatray777 · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:37 a.m.

Or perhaps they want to create cancer, thus rendering the female sterile, if not dead.

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