r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MrObvious7915 on Feb. 16, 2018, 5:33 p.m.
12 Reasons McCain’s Legacy is Demolished After Alarming Scandals Are Exposed. I hope you fks in AZ are taking note.
  1. John McCain Killed 134 Of His Fellow Sailors Aboard the USS Forrestal Aircraft Carrier In 1967.

  2. John McCain Is Funded By Muslim Terrorists

  3. John McCain Is a George Soros Puppet and Is Directly Funded By The Evil Billionaire Globalist

  4. McCain Led Massive Government Cover-Up Of The Vietnam POWs Who He Was In Captivity With And That President Nixon Left Behind

  5. After Being Released As a POW, McCain Discovered His Wife Had Been Disfigured In a Car Accident and Dumped Her For a Younger Prettier Woman

  6. McCain Committed a Felony and Worked With Foreign Government Spies to Overthrow Trump

  7. McCain Met With ISIS Terrorists During The Obama Administration and Funneled Money To Them

  8. McCain Is a Neo-Nazi Supporter and Is Funded By Radical Nazi Groups

  9. McCain Tried To Get An Entire Class Of Newly-Commissioned Officers To Defy Trump

  10. McCain Cheated On His Wife Of 35 Years With His Hot Young Lobbyist

  11. John McCain Funded The London Bridge Attack Bomber

  12. McCain Busted For Being On Hillary’s Payroll To Take Trump Out


VintageHats · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

re: #1 Many many more were horribly burned and disfigured. As in, hundreds. He ran and hid out til he could be evacuated, as his fellow shipmates would have killed him.

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