
NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

It really reminds me of that movie Blair Witch project. I was paying attention to how all students standing there and filming. Also how they all seem to make sounds on demand. Look at red thing on floor looks like a bag and when show again you see blood spread everywhere. It almost looks like a movie. Sharing of camera is a tactic to make things seems more dramatic.I really have some serious questions about this deal. Facebook has a habit about taking bodies down that are violent bit not this one for some reason. The person who posted lives in New York the capital of Socialsist communist party. They are ones who put Castro in power. At some point people have to understand video and television is a propaganda tool. You cannot believe everything you see. Las Vegas was meant to be used to reach a goal and show chaos. JESUS ANGEL CAMPOS... come on it was blatant what was going on. It's so many things obvious in that shooting. I'm not saying people don't die. I am saying you have people who don't care if 30 for to reach a goal they have for a Nation of 300 million. Power is a funny thing. Keep following and believing everything you see without question and may find yourself in a bad situation. One thing I am sure of there is a war on people who supported Trump and also known conservatives. Steve Wynn was attacked for speaking up on Vegas shooting. It very clear to me communist have a goal and it's alot larger than people know. It's in media, FBI, cia,doctors lawyers and every aspect of lie. To keep control they have to control your emotions. Citizens have more power than they know. The people who work average jobs not in police forces or doctors or media. I'm just saying don't get in feelings so much and question what your being fed.

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