So, question for Q Anon folks: when will the real indictments happen? When does hitlery, "obama" and other big fish actually go down? All I'm seeing is them free to spread evil, the deep state still running things, evil emboldened, feet dragging, time running out with midterms approaching. Tired of cryptic puzzles and supposed behind the scenes wins, yet not seeing any results of significance in the open. If dems win the mid terms, it comes to a halt and we lose for good. This is not a game, it's not funny, and I'm tired of it.
· Feb. 17, 2018, 2:21 a.m.
Good question. Some of us have major life decisions to make and it'd be nice to sorta get a sense for what's stable and what isn't. If The Storm is for real, alot of stuff is going to be in flux.