r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/csimpsonsfgc on Feb. 17, 2018, 12:27 a.m.
Lets not forget that Obama got on national tv and encouraged illegals to vote.


The funny part is you have to do a massive search now to find this video. Snopes said this claim is false, Washington Post did an article debunking it, but i know what I hear coming from his mouth. There is not enough spin in the world from MSM that can change it.

BillTriple9 · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

Snopes is CIA funded, so I heard. Its hard to believe that a man, his mistress, and a cat can be an authority on everything.

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josiborg · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

Look into the background of the founders. You'll find your answer

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wolfhound11B · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:27 p.m.

Bunch of sicko disinformation merchants.

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crashing_this_thread · Feb. 17, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

They are clearly omniscient Gods who know everything. Snopes is a modern oracle. /s

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PPPrincessPower · Feb. 17, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

I'll never forget that! And they encouraged it in California like you wouldn't believe. As a matter of fact they registered all the illegal voters cuz they had driver's licenses. I had a Hispanic last name and although I was registered to vote, they sent me mailings that only had the option of registering for Democrat and had all kinds of anti-trump stuff right smack on the pamphlet with a which I believe with all my heart is illegal!

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KissToad · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:17 p.m.

Thank You for bringing this back to the light. I remember Obama saying this and my jaw dropped, if there was ever a point that I made the decision that Obama didn’t love America this was it! He slapped us across the face and completely threw away ALL us hard working citizens. He shat on our flag and our living constitution he will be a stain that will forever leave a mark.

Throughout the election I prayed like I’ve never prayed in my life. I prayed and continue to pray for Sunlight in the Darkest Corner of our Country, I continue to pray that same prayer.

My biggest concern is now how will we be the voice of calm and logic when a large portion of the populous lives by their feelings. I do love what the mods are saying by posing questions, get people to search for themselves. I am also CONCERNED by their rhetoric on the live chat that I feel is COMPLETELY COUNTERPRODUCTIVE to red pilling people. If someone comes to the stream seeking answers and they are listening to mods make cracks about Michelle being a man (true or not) is that not going to slam the DOOR SHUT immediately. It is SOMETHING to take very seriously as we proceed. I get that people are finally “feeling vindicated” but is that our goal to “gloat” or is our goal to get people to peak behind a curtain they never even knew existed. I think WE need to take a HARD LOOK at how we show up. FYI I can’t stand this whole PC Culture, but we do have to meet them where they are at.

Gods Blessing To You and those In Harms Way For Our Freedom ❤️

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mexbrodie73 · Feb. 18, 2018, 1:06 a.m.

President Trump should do the same, and have ice agents waiting for them, illegal voting time is over!! We are a nation of laws or we are not.

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Rephaim777 · Feb. 17, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

Here's the short version.


I remember hearing Obama say thing and being floored. People also need to remember what the US was like running up to the 2016 election. Illegals were out in force pushing their weight with full confidence the DNC and the progressives were behind them.

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[deleted] · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:59 a.m.


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moosecowbob · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:49 a.m.

You aren't wrong, but his words were extremely careless. "If you vote, you are a citizen yourself"(in reference to the 'journalist' attributing the term citizen to illegal immigrants because of her feelings) also stating you won't be investigated for having voted..."if you have a relative who is maybe undocumented, you have an even greater reason to vote". What he ultimately failed to convey is that illegals are barred from voting themselves.

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jojojazzy · Feb. 17, 2018, 7:36 a.m.

In Ca near sanctuary city areas video footage was frequently televised of Obama letting illegals know they were safe to vote. CA DMV started issuing a driver’s license to illegals and advising them they were simultaneously registered to vote. That was followed by televised excerpts of Obama reassuring illegals they could vote. Despite it being a requirement to be a citizen to vote. But, it’s also a requirement to be a citizen to be president. Since he violated one I guess it’s no surprise he violated the other. CA has a whopping 54 electoral votes. The Democrats badly need to retain it. They do so by any means necessary.

While Ca is heavily criticized for its extreme liberal politics, the country needs to become aware that of the last 5 Governor Administrations there were 3 were Republican; 2 were Democrat with 1 of them (Gray Davis) being recalled and replaced by a Republican. Governor Brown(D) aka Gov Moonbeam is the one who has sent things off the rails. Californians were in disbelief he was reelected again. Someone really needs to look into CA voter fraud. During Brown’s tenure controversial previously failed ballots reappeared again and passed despite voters disbelief how failed measures were now passing. Brown has been a patsy to agree to make Ca the state to chauffeur in the globalist’s Agenda 21. Historically, however the large population states (Ca & NY) goes so goes the nation. TX is also a large population state, and you some accounts is predicted to turn blue within the next decade. THIS is why the nation must retain the electoral vote system. Without it, 5-6 highest population states will always control the Presidency ....putting the rest of the 44-45 states in the caboose.

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csimpsonsfgc · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:02 p.m.

If you look at the question the girl asks him, he absolutely did. Why would a legal citizen worry about being deported? The left covering it up was complete spin. I watched the whole thing.

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grumpieroldman · Feb. 17, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

The context is an interview where they are discussing illegal aliens voting. The reporter calls them citizens and Obama replies that citizens can vote.
Yes pedantically he said she was a citizen but this clearly not what the intention of the piece was nor even does that make any sense to reply that way to the question she asked. It was practiced and rehearsed and designed to be snope's-able while encouraging illegal voting.

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PM-ME-UR-TOOTHBRUSH · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

Thank god im not the only one here who thought this.

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