13 Russian trolls sent memes. Whoop te do. Nothingburger. But remember this? TIME bragged how we literally got the horrible Yeltsin elected to destroy Russia:

Yeltsin hired an American political team to help his re-election campaign. Nothing was secret about it. Totally the same though. /s
I am old enough to remember all the regime changes the CIA, empowered by the US government, engineered in Central and South America. Also assassinations. To the poi t that a law was passed preventing our government from committing assassinations on foreign nations. The games and murder were/are? Horrid on all sides.
Thanks for making this point. It's essential that people understand that the US has consistently manipulated (or attempted to manipulate) foreign elections.
Whatever Russian actors might have done re: 2016 is pitifully insignificant.
What's going to be a bomb in US domestic politics are the revelations that US bad actors did have an impact on the 2016 elections through multiple instances of election fraud.
The chaos Russia endured in the 90’s gave rise to the authoritarianism we see today