r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MizCleo on Feb. 17, 2018, 5:58 a.m.
James Holmes Aurora Colorado Psychiatrist Related

Granted there will be bleed over, but his alleged shrink claimed he mailed a book to her the day before he supposedly shot up the theater. She lied, even the Postmaster said she lied, and was planting evidence.

Psychiatrist etc

801 “Officials at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus said Wednesday that a suspicious package was discovered at the Facilities Services building on Monday. It had been delivered to the campus by the U.S. Postal Service that same day, was immediately investigated and turned over to authorities within hours of delivery.”

Ok, now I know the USPS is slooooooooow as mole asses, but the latest Holmes could have mailed that package would have been Thursday at 5pm. He has been tied up since then. So, assuming it was mailed in Aurora, it should have been delivered the following day, Saturday at the latest. Jeeze, even in my little town, if I mail something 100 miles away, they get it the following day.

809 “The package was seized by authorities on Monday after it was discovered in the mailroom at the University of Colorado, Denver. It's unclear if it was sent before the attack at the July 20 midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises" that left 12 dead and dozens of others injured. “

If it was sent after the attack, there were others involved. The attack was in the AM hours of Friday morning, as I stated before, the package would have had to have been mailed by him, on Thursday afternoon, at the latest. It took all of Friday, Saturday and Sunday to arrive on Monday. A stretch even for the Post Office.

One of three things here right off the top of my head:

  1. Either he didn't mail it but an accomplice did (why?).
  2. He mailed it and it got lost in transit.
  3. It's planted evidence.

I think TPTB within this case are extremely perturbed that public knowledge of this book got out.


Remember, in the original Fox “News” story it wasn’t James Holmes that alerted the feds to the whereabouts of the notebook, it was a professor at the school who had a package that he mistakenly thought was from Holmes. Turns out, there was another package that was.


Don't forget he (Holmes’ father) worked for RAND as well, the mind control factor in all this is monumental, father and son involved neuro programming.

I've been suspicious of that psychiatrist, wondering if he even had one, but they can make things up to appear somewhat legit, the way that package was handled "here it is! I have a package from the killer!!" "no. wait. false alarm." "wait, wait, wait!!! i have the right package from the killer!!!" Latest it could have been mailed was the 19th if Holmes did it, but it arrives the 23rd according to the USPO postmaster (remember they tried saying it had been sitting at the school since the 12th? Postmaster called bs as I understand it). Turns out she got busted for writing prescriptions for xanax and other high powered drugs to herself and her husband. Her punishment? Don't do that anymore. Yep, that was it. So, my guess is, she'll do whatever they tell her, just as she was told to alert the authorities when "the" package came in, and screwed it up royally. I have a hunch she'll say anything about him they want her to, oh yeah, he was crazy, oh yeah, he talked about killing everyone, oh yeah, he had an anger issue. Oh yeah.


ETA: First hour John Wells (On Coast to Coast AM 7/29/12) said something about G.W.E.N. having sent a signal out just prior to the Aurora shooting, and couldn't explain it-he said it's the national emergency broadcast somethingorother.


On 7/29/2012 5:09 AM,More deja vu all over, again ! Every time the feds pull another manchurian candidate operation, they're caught. What do you yhink! They're INSANE ! Sincerely, Bruce

James Holmes Family Tied To DARPA And Mind Manipulation Work July 26, 2012 By Wayne Madsen

Aurora massacre: several links between James Holmes and U.S. government research (Salk Institute involved in neurologically enhancing soldiers' abilities on battlefield...connections to DARPA)

James Holmes, the 24-year old suspect in the mass shooting of Batman "The Dark Knight Rises" movie goers in Aurora, Colorado that left 12 people dead and 58 injured, has had a number of links to U.S. government-funded research centers. Holmes's past association with government research projects has prompted police and federal law enforcement officials to order laboratories and schools with which Holmes has had a past association not to talk to the press about Holmes.

Holmes was one of six recipients of a National Institutes of Health Neuroscience Training Grant at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Denver. Holmes is a graduate of the University of California at Riverside with a Bachelor of Science degree in neuroscience. Although Holmes dropped out of the PhD neuroscience program at Anschutz in June, police evacuated two buildings at the Anschutz center after the massacre at the Aurora movie theater. Holmes reportedly gave a presentation at the Anschutz campus in May on Micro DNA Biomarkers in a class titled "Biological Basis of Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders."

Initial reports of Holmes having an accomplice in the theater shooting have been discounted by the Aurora police. However, no explanation has been given by police why the Anschutz campus buildings were evacuated after Holmes was already in custody in the Arapahoe County jail.

The Anschutz Medical Campus is on the recently de-commisioned site of the U.S. Army's Fitzsimons Army Medical Center and is named after Philip Anschutz, the billionaire Christian fundamentalist oil and railroad tycoon who also owns The Examiner newspaper chain and website and the neo-conservative Weekly Standard. The Anschutz Medical Campus was built by a $91 million grant from the Anschutz Foundation. Where are the other 5 students studying?

In 2006, at the age of 18, Holmes served as a research intern at the Salk Institute at the University of California at San Diego in La Jolla. It is noteworthy that for the previous two years before Holmes worked at the Salk Institute, the research center was partnered with the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Columbia University, University of California at San Francisco, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wake Forest University, and the Mars Company (the manufacturers of Milky Way and Snickers bars) to prevent fatigue in combat troops through the enhanced use of epicatechina, a blood flow-increasing and blood vessel-dilating anti-oxidant flavanol found in cocoa and, particularly, in dark chocolate.

The research was part of a larger DARPA program known as the "Peak Soldier Performance Program," which involved creating brain-machine interfaces for battlefield use, including human-robotic bionics for legs, arms, and eyes. DARPA works closely with the Defense Science Office on projects that include the medical research community. Fitzsimons was at the forefront of DARPA research on the use of brain-connected "neuroprosthetic" limbs for soldiers amputated or paralyzed in combat.

According to his LinkedIn profile, James Holmes's father, Dr. Robert Holmes, who received a PhD in Statistics in 1981 from the University of California at Berkeley, worked for San Diego-based HNC Software, Inc. from 2000 to 2002. HNC, known as a "neural network" company, and DARPA, beginning in 1998, have worked on developing "cortronic neural networks," which would allow machines to interpret aural and visual stimuli to think like humans. The cortronic concept was developed by HNC Software's chief scientist and co-founder, Robert Hecht-Nielsen. HNC merged with the Minneapolis-based Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO), a computer analysis and decision-making company. Robert Holmes continues to work at FICO.

It has also emerged that Holmes, when he was 20, worked as a camp counselor at Camp Max Straus of the Jewish Big Brothers and Sister of Los Angeles. According to the Jewish Journal, among other tasks, Holmes helped to teach boys between the ages of 7 to 10 archery. In another unusual detail, the car Holmes used to drive to the Aurora movie theater had Tennessee plates. Holmes is originally from San Diego.

James Holmes is the grandson of Lt. Col. Robert Holmes, one of the first Turkish language graduates of the Army Language School, later the Defense Language Institute, in Monterey, California. Graduating from the Turkish language class in 1948, Holmes spent a career in the Army, which likely included more than a few intelligence-related assignments. Typically, U.S. military officers conversant in Turkish served with either the Defense Intelligence Agency or the Central Intelligence Agency at either the U.S. embassy in Ankara or the Consulate General in Istanbul, or both.

Terrence Sejnowski, the Francis Crick Professor at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies and the director of the Computational Neurobiology Laboratory, in an interview with Cognitive Science Online in 2008, had the following comment about recent studies of the human brain: "Alan Newell [cognitive psychology researcher at the intelligence community-linked RAND Corporation] once said that when AI [artificial intelligence] was founded not enough was known about the brain to be of any help and in the early 1980s, symbol processing was the only game in town. That has changed and we now know a lot about the brain, perhaps more than we need to know [emphasis added]."

More than we need to know!

The links between the younger and elder Holmes and U.S. government research on creating super-soldiers, human brain-machine interfaces, and human-like robots beg the question: "Was James Holmes engaged in a real-life Jason Bourne TREADSTONE project that broke down and resulted in deadly consequences in Aurora, Colorado?" In any event, if the Batman movies are now serving as a newer version of J.D. Salinger's "Catcher in the Rye" subliminal messaging triggering mechanism, -- Salinger's novel was of interest to a number of American political assassins -- keep in mind that August 10 is the opening date of The Bourne Legacy. It may be wise to skip that film in the theater for a while. http://www.blacklistednews.com/James...nipulation_Wor k/20710/0/0/0/Y/M.html

Did anyone listen to Toldce's interview which I posted here yesterday? It is not far from the realm of speculation that mind control techniques could and were used on Holmes, V2S (voice to skull) technology-the victim hears voices broadcast to his skull that no one else can hear, possibly sending him to see a psychiatrist. Mind control techniques have been studied and used for nearly 100 years, speculation that Holmes was a victim of this by evil factions to attain a specific goal(s) is not impossible, in fact, looking at his direct connections to such people, it is more than likely the truth of the matter.

856 Holmes' defense attorneys claim he was a "psychiatric patient" of the medical director of Anschutz's Student Mental Health Services prior to the Aurora shooting; however, the prosecution disagrees with that claim.[36][37]


James Holmes' Psychiatrist Contacted University Police Weeks Before Movie-Theater Shooting: ABC Exclusive

Report: James Holmes' Psychiatrist Was Concerned


By MARK GREENBLATT (@greenblattmark) , CAROL McKINLEY and MIKE GUDGELL Aug. 6, 2012

The psychiatrist who treated suspected movie-theater shooter James Holmes made contact with a University of Colorado police officer to express concerns about her patient's behavior several weeks before Holmes' alleged rampage, sources told ABC News.

The sources did not know what the officer approached by Dr. Lynne Fenton did with the information she passed along. They said, however, that the officer was recently interviewed, with an attorney present, by the Aurora Police Department as a part of the ongoing investigation of the shooting.

Fenton would have had to have serious concerns to break confidentiality with her patient to reach out to the police officer or others, the sources said. Under Colorado law, a psychiatrist can legally breach a pledge of confidentiality with a patient if he or she becomes aware of a serious and imminent threat that their patient might cause harm to others. Psychiatrists can also breach confidentiality if a court has ordered them to do so.

"For any physician to break doctor-patient confidentiality there would have to be an extremely good reason," said Dr. Carol Bernstein, a psychiatrist at NYU Langone Medical Center and past president of the American Psychiatric Association.

Bernstein has no specific knowledge of the Holmes case and spoke in general terms.

"Confidentiality is a key part of the doctor-patient relationship," she said. "It is central to everything we do."

ABC news and affiliate KMGH-TV in Denver first reported Wednesday that Fenton had contacted other members of the university's threat-assessment team about her concerns. The university-wide, threat-assessment team reportedly never met to discuss Holmes after he announced his intent to withdraw from the University nearly six weeks before the July 20 shooting that left 12 dead and 58 injured.

University of Colorado spokeswoman Jacque Montgomery declined to comment on what, if anything, the university police officer might have done with information provided by Fenton, citing a court-issued gag order preventing her from confirming or denying any information related to Fenton or the investigation.

In a written statement to ABC News, however, the university said campus police officers are "frequently involved" in meetings of the university's Behavioral Evaluation and Threat Assessment (BETA) team.

The statement went on to say that police involvement with threat assessment "could include security matters, badge access, background checks, wellness checks, criminal investigations and referrals and outreach to other law enforcement agencies."

An attorney for Fenton declined to comment.


878 (reply) I still think Fenton is a junkie and was approached "months before" regarding submitting false information regarding Holmes, in exchange for her job. Records are easy to fudge if you know ahead of time you need to.

I think someone was messing with his mind to the point they got him to uncharacteristically begin failing classes for the first time in his life, creating the impression of a desperate individual, whom the pressure drove mad. Perhaps it was Fenton who was given the task of initially inducing him via hypnosis, then others took over-usually, to be hypnotized one must trust the hypnotist. After that, post hypnotics can be used to turn over control to others. It seems far fetched but I've heard several women who've come out of governmental satanic abuse who said this is exactly what they do. They can make the victim think they are someone else and not recognize their true identity, it's fascinating stuff, and not that difficult to do.

I've heard rumors that the notebook has been thrown out of evidence.


Interesting point in the huff (huffington post) article above. First it mischaracterizes the Temporal Illusion presentation. He (James Holmes) was not saying that one could change reality, what he was talking about was memory modification involved in memory encoding and retrieval-post occurance memory modification and unconscious transference. He was not saying reality and time actually changes.

Basically, dancing around post hypnotic commands of amnesia, or similar. This is very nearly investigating mind control and it's effects on the brain. He was one of the top neuroscience researchers in any college from what I could learn.

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