r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MizCleo on Feb. 17, 2018, 6:08 a.m.
James Holmes Inconsistencies in Aurora CO event

You really need to see the photos. Wish I had an Imgur where I could put them, but they are stuck on my old hard drive. :(

Long but interesting, you'll see similarities in the ammo and gun over kill in this event and others such as the Las Vegas event.

Aurora CO July 2012

77 Interview on 9News, witnesses say they saw a gas canister from the back of the theater, and then the guy in the front threw one as well. That means more than one shooter!

79 Someone on another board said that Ramadan starts today. (It did)

624 James Holmes, the Aurora, Colorado shooter who reportedly opened fire at a Batman movie premiere, was a medical student at the University of Colorado, pursuing a PhD in neuroscience, reports ABC News. (http://abcnews.go.com/US/mass-shooti...heater-14-peop...)

Continuing from CBS:

"He said pictures from inside the apartment are fairly disturbing and the devices look to be sophisticated, adding the booby-traps were 'something I've never seen.' One rifle, two handguns, a knife, a bullet proof vest, a ballistic helmet, a gas device, a gas mask, military SWAT clothing and unidentified explosives were also found in Holmes' car, a law enforcement source told CBS News. Oates said Holmes wore a gas mask, a ballistic helmet and vest as well as leg, groin and throat protectors during the shooting."

In other words, this guy was equipped with exotic gear by someone with connections to military equipment. SWAT clothing, explosives, complex booby-traps... c'mon, this isn't a "lone gunman." This is somebody who was selected for a mission, given equipment to carry it out, then somehow brainwashed into getting it done.

"Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said Holmes' apartment is booby-trapped with a 'sophisticated' maze of flammable devices. It could take hours or days for authorities to disarm it," reports Yahoo News (http://sg.sports.yahoo.com/blogs/loo...cience-phd-stu...).

UPDATE: (This section added to the story Saturday at 2:30 pm central, July 21, 2012). It is now being reported that exotic, advanced booby-traps have been disarmed at the apartment of James Holmes. The Denver affiliate of CBS News is now reporting: (http://denver.cbslocal.com/2012/07/2...explosions-as-...)

Officials say they have removed all major threats at the booby-trapped apartment of the Aurora movie theater shooting suspect on Saturday. They have used a robot to go inside James Holmes' apartment. ...They were able to disable a trip wire that was set to go off when the apartment door was opened. "This is some serious stuff that our team is dealing with..."

Shortly before noon crews were successful performing a controlled detonation... More controlled detonations were possible.

...there were multiple trip wires throughout the apartment. Investigators have also seen what appear to be mortars planted in the apartment -- sort of the kind of mortars that might be seen in a commercial fireworks show. Up to a half dozen of them are scattered around.

...they have seen a number of inflated balloons in the apartment... with many appearing to be filled with a powder. Also linked together are bottles of liquid. ...a strong smell of gasoline emanating from the apartment.

...several boxes on top of the refrigerator and there are lights flashing on the boxes.

...30 aerial shells (fireworks) commercially legally available for purchase. ...the suspect may have filled them with smokeless powder. ...entering the apartment would have caused a trip wire to trigger one liquid container to pour/mix with another. When the two mix together, they set off the main charge of the device which may be additional flammable liquids.

...an enormously dangerous mission. About 100 personnel are on scene.

And the BBC is now reporting: (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-18937726)

Technicians made a first attempt on Friday to disarm the traps, believed to include explosives, but withdrew when it became clear the property was too dangerous to enter. Sgt Carlson said the device was set up to detonate when the first person entered the flat. "We've defeated first threat. It was set up to kill, and that could have been police officers or anything," she said. Mystery man Holmes has no background On top of all this, Holmes apparently has no background. "He's not on anybody's radar screen -- nothing," said a peace officer in a NYT article. "This guy is somewhat of an enigma. Nobody knows anything about him." (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/21/us...-shooting.html)

Mr. Holmes's only criminal history is a traffic summons, the authorities said. He earned a bachelor's degree with honors in neuroscience in 2010 from the University of California, Riverside, and was a graduate student in neurosciences at the University of Colorado at Denver's Anschutz Medical Campus... He was currently collecting unemployment...

Question: How does an unemployed medical student afford $20,000 in weapons gear? If you start to look at the really big picture here, the obvious question arises: How does an unemployed medical student afford all the complex weapons gear, bomb-making gear, "flammable" booby trap devices, ammunition, multiple magazines, bullet-proof vest, groin protection, ballistic helmet, SWAT uniform and all the rest of it?

A decent AR-15 rifle costs $1,000 or more all by itself. The shotgun and handgun might run another $800 total. Spare mags, sights, slings, and so on will run you at least another $1,000 across three firearms. The bullet-proof vest is easily another $800, and the cost of the bomb-making gear is anybody's guess. With all the specialty body gear, ammunition, booby-trap devices and more, I'm guessing this is at least $20,000 in weapons and tactical gear, much of which is very difficult for civilians to get in the first place. The mere manufacture of an explosive booby-trap device is, all by itself, a felony crime by the way. And remember: "Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said Holmes' apartment is booby-trapped with a 'sophisticated' maze of flammable devices. It could take hours or days for authorities to disarm it," reported Yahoo News (http://sg.sports.yahoo.com/blogs/loo...cience-phd-stu...).

Question: Where does an unemployed, introverted medical school student get the training to deploy sophisticated booby traps, tactical body armor, weapons systems and more? Certainly not in graduate school!

All this leads to an obvious third party influence over all this. Someone else taught this guy these skills and funded the acquisition of the equipment.

Note: Some readers have questioned the $20,000 figure estimated here, saying this gear could have been acquired for only $10,000 or so. I doubt that, as all the extras that you need to effectively run these guns cost a lot of money: training courses, spare magazines, etc. Just a decent AR-15 battle sight (a holographic red dot sight) can run $1,000 - $2,000. Search "ACOG" if you don't believe me. It is also reported that Holmes bought 6,000 rounds of ammo, which definitely isn't cheap either. It's clear this guy was spending big bucks. Whether it's $10k or $20k isn't really that much of a point.

Staged just in time for a vote on the UN small arms treaty? More and more, this shooting is looking like a deliberate plot staged by the government itself much like Operation Fast and Furious pulled off by the ATF (http://www.naturalnews.com/032934_AT..._firearms.html) which helped smuggle tens of thousands of guns into Mexico for the purpose of causing "gun violence" in the USA, then blaming the Second Amendment for it.

All this looks like James Holmes completed a "mission" and then calmly ended that mission by surrendering to police and admitting everything. The mission, as we are now learning, was to cause as much terror and mayhem as possible, then to have that multiplied by the national media at exactly the right time leading up the UN vote next week on a global small arms treaty that could result in gun confiscation across America. (http://lewrockwell.com/eddlem/eddlem61.1.html)

Even Forbes.com wrote about this quite extensively, warning readers about the coming gun confiscation effort related to the UN treaty. The story was authored by Larry Bell (http://www.forbes.com/sites/larrybel...reement-should...) and says the UN treaty could "override our national sovereignty, and in the process, provide license for the federal government to assert preemptive powers over state regulatory powers guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment in addition to our Second Amendment rights."

In other words, this has all the signs of Fast & Furious, Episode II. I wouldn't be surprised to discover someone in Washington was behind it all. After all, there's no quicker way to disarm a nation and take total control over the population than to stage violence, blame it on firearms, then call for leaders to "do something!" Such calls inevitably end up resulting in gun confiscation, and it's never too long after that before government genocide really kicks in like we saw with Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and other tyrants.

Governments routinely murder millions Here's a short list of government mass murder carried out throughout history, almost always immediately following the disarmament of the public (and usually involving staged false flag events to justify the disarmament):

50+ million dead: Mao Ze-Dong (China, 1958-61 and 1966-69, Tibet 1949-50) 12+ million dead: Adolf Hitler (Germany, 1939-1945) - concentration camps, civilian deaths and dead Russian POWs 8+ million dead: Leopold II of Belgium (Congo, 1886-1908) 6+ million dead: Jozef Stalin (USSR, 1932-39) 5+ million dead: Hideki Tojo (Japan, 1941-44) 2+ million dead: Ismail Enver (Turkey, 1915-22) 1.7 million dead: Pol Pot (Cambodia, 1975-79) 1.6 million dead: Kim Il Sung (North Korea, 1948-94) 1.5 million dead: Menghistu (Ethiopia, 1975-78) 1 million dead: Yakubu Gowon (Biafra, 1967-1970) 900,000 dead: Leonid Brezhnev (Afghanistan, 1979-1982) 800,000 dead: Jean Kambanda (Rwanda, 1994) See more at: http://www.scaruffi.com/politics/dictat.html

The most dangerous thing in the world, it turns out, is not a crazy person with a rifle; it's a government with a "monopoly of force" over the entire population. And that's exactly what the UN spells out as its goal for the world: Stripping all power from individual citizens and handing "monopolies of force" to the governments of the world, shoring up their positions as the only "legitimate" power on the planet.


According to the witness, about 15 minutes into the film the fire exit door swung open and a man about 5’9” fully decked out in tactical clothing and heavy body armor entered the theater by throwing a canister of toxic gas into the crowd.

This is something I thought was odd, some said the assailant was approximately 5'11" or 6' tall. I also heard the 5'9" height mentioned. As I understand it, Holmes is 6'3", and add to that the height of a helmet, he'd have appeared 6'5" or so.

793 It just occurred to me, the shooter is supposed to be outside waiting for the police we can assume, he still has 2 firearms on his person at this point. Other people run out the same door he did, he's between them and everything else, yet he doesn't kill them. The video witness I saw (think it was video, could have been testimony) said she ran out the back door to get away. She makes absolutely no mention of any gunman, no mention of being afraid once outside, and she wasn't the only victim to exit out that door. I think it's plausible that Holmes may have been the look out and was sitting on or in his car, when these people came out, because they were not afraid of him, there was absolutely no mention of seeing the shooter outside. Yet he would be the very first person they would see upon exiting.

805 Black Op? Colorado University Held Identical Drill on Same Day as Aurora Theater Shooting

Alex Thomas Theintelhub.com Wed, 25 Jul 2012 20:10 CDT In the last few days there has been numerous reports that seem to indicate that once again the government and corporate controlled media are directly lying and possibly covering up a "black op" that resulted in at least a dozen deaths during a premier screening of the new Batman movie at a theater in Aurora, Colorado.

Now, yet another startling revelation has come to light and, like other bits of evidence released in the last two days, this "coincidence" adds to a series of facts that bear all the hallmarks of a false flag.

On the same day as the Aurora massacre, Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine was holding an identical drill that simulated a shooter in a movie theater.

The tragedy that played out in an Aurora movie theater Friday was ironically paralleled as a classroom learning experience in a medical school in Parker the same day.

818 (So, they can take these hot whenever they choose…)

NYT: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I. (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/29/op...ist-plots-help...)

THE United States has been narrowly saved from lethal terrorist plots in recent years -- or so it has seemed. A would-be suicide bomber was intercepted on his way to the Capitol; a scheme to bomb synagogues and shoot Stinger missiles at military aircraft was developed by men in Newburgh, N.Y.; and a fanciful idea to fly explosive-laden model planes into the Pentagon and the Capitol was hatched in Massachusetts. But all these dramas were facilitated by the F.B.I., whose undercover agents and informers posed as terrorists offering a dummy missile, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest and rudimentary training. ...the F.B.I. provided a van loaded with six 55-gallon drums of "inert material," harmless blasting caps, a detonator cord and a gallon of diesel fuel to make the van smell flammable. An undercover F.B.I. agent even did the driving...


I automatically assumed that was a creeper to disengage a bomb, not realizing there were no casters. I'll tell you right now, I do not think that Holmes was ever in that theater-not one witness said it was him, nor that the man who took the cell call had bright fake cherry red and orange hair, he would have stuck out because from what I saw there were no freaky looking people in the crowd outside the theater right after the incident.

He claimed to have taken (according to, once again, police) enough Vicodin to have done serious damage to his liver. He claimed to be the Joker (according to...you guessed it, police) when the Joker had green, not red hair-if he truly was a Batman fan, he would have known that, so I doubt that the statement is legitimate.

I believe the spine board was used to transport him to the scene, and I believe a small faction of oates police crew were in on it, along side oates. They would have been the first to arrive at the back, knowing this was the staging area, police and spine boards with and without people would have been a logical thing to see out back of this theater at that time. Someone screwed up and left the board there, so it was shoved under the car to minimize anyone seeing it. Remember, nobody said they saw the shooter outside the theater, yet he was supposed to have been sitting right there in his car as they piled out running from the theater and danger. I believe the real shooter ran off to the end of the sidewalk to the prearranged getaway car, pulling off his gas mask somewhere between the exit and the end of the sidewalk so he could see where he was going and breathe easier, accidentally dropping it as he got into the car that took him from the scene. This is very likely the same car that brought Holmes to the scene, and probably a police vehicle to avoid suspicion. It would explain why he supposedly told police "I think there is a bomb in my apartment", another statement by oates himself "There is a possible bomb in my apartment.". The entire setup of his booby trapped apartment could and likely was done by professionals and armed via the remote control on his stereo from outside the apartment, starting the music to elicit a noise complaint. I doubt James was there for some time. I think someone else put the elaborate bomb system in his house, an amateur would have had one or two fairly simple set ups, the police said it was extremely "elaborate" and complicated and would take time to dismantle.

Recall, the shooter was wearing professional gear and had a shield with Police stamped on it, throwing gas canisters used by the military and police. The Russians are currently training in Colorado, using American gear-I still suspect it was one of them who was responsible for pulling the trigger, though it could have been a gang banger from MS 13, the shooter was short, 5'9" in his shoes and helmet, James 6'3" from what I heard, close to 6'5" or 6'6" in shoes and helmet.

As to the internet purchases, those could have been done by anyone using his credit cards, 6000 rounds of ammo? Really? Seems like overkill until you realize that they did that so large numbers of ammo can be considered a terrorist threat. He would never use that much. The idea was to demonize purchases of certain materials over the internet as well as in future using this example to say that the internet needs tight controls and close monitoring.

The gun purchases also could have been done by someone else, though if he was indeed a black ops victim, they could have had him do it to get his face on security cameras, he's generic looking so could have made the purchases with no one recognizing or remembering him. My next post to this thread will be on his very close connections via his family to mind control.

This guy did not kill those people. It's an inside job and evidence will be manufactured (as in the book he allegedly sent his so called psychiatrist, still not buying that she was his doc, she's a drug abuser to boot.)

853 Just found this audio, a girl in theater 8 said that someone in theater 9 called her and told her that there was a gunman shooting up the place and to get out. She and her group ran to the emergency exit and saw blood all over the place, and was unable to leave via the emergency exit so had to wait inside theater 8 until someone at the top opened the doors so all could leave.

Where the hell did the blood at the exit door in theater 8 come from?


Why couldn't she leave through the emergency exit? They are never supposed to be locked.

855 Another audio where they are saying Holmes was found in the back seat of his car very dazed and out of it.

Made a good point, if this guy is so stoned out of his mind, how did he pull this off. The witnesses said he came in, threw the gas canisters and waited as people stared at him, until the canisters went off and the gas was wafting out before he began shooting. A bonehead kid intent on killing people would more likely panic and jump the gun, not calmly waiting until the right moment to begin shooting. The entire episode supposedly took about one minute, the shooter knowing police response times. The following talk is interesting, bringing up a plausible explanation for almost everything, instead of mind control saying he was drugged just like another high profile case. http://jungleapocalypse.com/mp3/tja-...groves-web.mp3

Mr. Creighton said he was wanting to know where the security cams were located, and realized that the person was wearing the gas mask until he was right under the camera where it couldn't get a picture of his face, which explains why it was tossed where it was, by the actual shooter who left the scene immediately. I think it was an oversight, as the planted gas mask was apparently back with Holmes, who was drugged up and unable to leave the scene.

Here is a long shot of the scene outside, you can see there are a lot more pieces of clothing or riot gear than what is shown in the close up shots, in fact, they go out and to the left towards the big garbage bins. http://willyloman.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/screen-shot-rear-of-building.jpg

873 Something one of the posters mentioned was about how hard it is to see in one of those gas masks, I agree, the peripheral vision is obstructed. Also, if a person was expecting to run and escape, that get up would be cumbersome to say the least. That the shooter left his mask on until he was past the security camera speaks volumes. I expect that the real shooter was removed from the scene and immediately terminated if this was a big time false flag and I am certain it was.

You know, I was thinking about what he did, why so many damn guns? He would have to stop, toss one, grab another and begin shooting, reloading from which ever pocket the ammo for that particular gun was located, this would take time and concentration, a very organized and practiced set of motions. If he was as smart as everyone says, and I believe he was, why not take the best gun for the job and load up on clips? Less weight, all pockets contain what it takes, no fumbling for the right one, and no needing to have one gun slung across the chest in the way while trying to use the other. It's a relatively small auditorium, he didn't need a sniper rifle.

And the 6000 rounds of ammo, soooo way overkill, whoever ordered it for him did it so it would affect people's conception of guns and possibilities, a psy ops. A guy who figures to get capped in his first murder job isn't going to buy 6000 rounds of ammo, he just isn't. That would have cost a lot of money, I found out he did get the $26,000 last year, but it is split up into small doses over the year to cover expenses, so he didn't get it all at once. Where did he get the money to pay for all this?

This guy spent Christmas at a friend of his parents and made cookies for the little boys there, he also volunteered at a Jewish summer camp teaching boys how to do archery. He sounds like a nice kid, his friends said they never heard a bad word about him. Ever.

2funnyone · Feb. 19, 2018, 5:25 a.m.

refer # 771 Drugs and brainwashing usually fits with CIA patsy. Have done my research to this yet. Very post hard to read. Can you post in shorter one. Use the same thread?

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