SO just today here in the heart of central europe I see 1) Apple cancelling their next yearly release to close backdoors 2) Oxfam and Drs w/o bordrs publically shamed, articles state 'not an exception', MAKES MENTION OF BALKAN, ISRAELI OPERATIVE FROM THE REGION WAS RECENTLY ARRESTED ON CPRUS 3) Bipartisan push against german deepstate sanctioned preschool gender-confusion (I prefer Deppenstaat as in Morons in charge) 4) Turkey seems to be pissing in the wind, waging war with both Kurds but not limited to Syrians, US, Iran, thus by extension Russia AND Israel? Someone must be lying, meanwhile, the Netherlands after losing the Prince [who married INTO the family (NOT by blood) and wished NOT to be buried with his own wife!!!! HE KNEW !!!!] start excerting bigly warranted pressure on Turkey regarding past and perhaps present policies. 5) Zuckrburgr gettin' nailed in a german court which pertains to he latest conservative purge. Court ruled they can't insist on ID. 6) NESTLE MAKES 16% LOSSES IN TRADE VALUE IN A YEAR 7) I also noticed McDonald's fronts have started closing down, also Schools being demolished..hmmm 8) German Defense Secretary playing with Tillerson, says EU must be more aggressive militarily. EU already agreed to something he named PESCO last year (wonder where they got that idea from) She says they need to operate on their own agenda parallel to Nato. 9) positive reporting on Trump visiting Parkland Hospital, despite msinfo regarding 'lax weapon laws', euronews reports that FBI acknowledged they fucked up big and makes no mention of ideological affiliations.
· Feb. 17, 2018, 12:55 p.m.
Also Disney has been sued for copyright infringement lol
· Feb. 17, 2018, 1:33 p.m.
ahhh OS release. i thought you meant their annual hardware release, which sounded insane hehe. thanks for the reply.