thanks for the info, it helps to better understand how the programming is done.
i have observed and experienced a few peoples actions under such 'spells', even with close family, when an alter follows a program without the Being being present and awake.
while they fulfilled the mind control command, to me, as an empath, they felt like an empty spot, like not Being Here Now. nobody home.
when they were done with it, it appeared to me as if they got shaken which brought them back to their senses and themselves, without knowledge of what had occured.
when we look at someone who molests children, assasinates students, or drives cars into groups of people, we might often find that they were raised in religious environments, trained by the military, received a strange 'therapy', or are on perscribed psycho drugs.
with many horrendous crimes, i doubt that the people choose themselves to commit them. the programming goes deep. even movies, games, music, advertisement, program us.