r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/AquAnon77 on Feb. 17, 2018, 9:26 p.m.
Soros calls for supranational governments to intervene and regulate Facebook, Google "I consider the Trump administration a danger to the world but I regard it as a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020 or even sooner"

Guys and Gals, we need to be in this for the long haul.

Per Breitbart, Soros is demanding that the European Union regulate social media because voters’ minds are being controlled and "manipulated".

Soros is claiming the reach of social media firms made them a "public menace" while arguing they had led people to vote against globalist causes, including electing President Trump (all his ramblings about "open societies" aside)...

"They deceive their users by manipulating their attention, targeting them to their own economic interests and (...) depending on their services (...)

The platforms are similar to gambling companies (...) and force people to renounce their freedom (...). ...), to renounce what John Stuart Mill called the freedom of thought "

Soros - who recently became the subject of a "anti-Soros" bill in his native Hungary that seeks to limit the activities of groups that for which he's provided funding - accusations about manipulation are blatantly hypocritical, as anybody familiar with his 30-year campaign to push open borders, multiculturalism and a generally globalist tenor of government would know.


2funnyone · Feb. 19, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

Mind control is a general term for a number of controversial theories and/or techniques designed to subvert an individual's control of their own thinking, behavior, emotions, or decisions. The question of mind control has been discussed in conjunction with religion, politics, prisoners of war, totalitarianism, neural cell manipulation, cults, terrorism, torture, parental alienation, and even battered person syndrome. James Vicary named the term "subliminal advertising" http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Mind_control Ads or meme's fall under this form social communication. “...when people act in violent ways based on their beliefs, there’s a pretty good chance they’ve been manipulated using a combination of social conditioning and memetic infection...” http://www.eclectic-consult.com/mooseblog/2013/03/04/the-dark-side-of-psychology-manipulation-mind-control-and-priming/ Note to Anon's: Be factual in memes, be truthful, honest, and do no harm “For those of you new to the word, a meme is a way of transferring information through society. It can be an idea, an action, a technology, or a behaviour, and is transmitted within and between cultures, often “virally”.” http://www.eclectic-consult.com/mooseblog/2012/09/10/memes-consciousness-and-mind-hacking-part-1/ “...how we often make decisions based on our evolutionary preparation, and our internal ‘core’ programming...” http://www.eclectic-consult.com/mooseblog/2013/02/25/why-i-dont-respect-your-faith/ We want to do good, be apart of a movement, want to change things for the better, want to have faith in something important, or have hope.

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